The Silent Treatment

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Audrey, Grace, Bella, and Austin were in the middle of their latest battle with giant frogs at Paulwood Prairie Park.

"We still need to take down those dumb-heads!" yelled Austin, striking a boxing pose.  "Lets squash their guts out!"

Austin was about to dash toward the frogs when Audrey grabbed him by the fist.

"HOLD IT!" she shouted.  "Don't even think about it, Austin!"

"What in the world do you mean?!" Austin cried.  "Those frogs should get their tushes kicked!  What else do you suppose we do, act like wimps and run away like a bunch of girls or somethin'?!"

Audrey, Grace, and Bella gasped and couldn't believe what their teammate had just said.  They knew for a fact that they were three females with Austin as the only male on their squad.

"EXCUSE ME?!" Audrey snapped, getting angry with Austin.  "YOU CARE TO SPIT THOSE WORDS OUT OF YOUR PIEHOLE AGAIN?!"

"You heard me!" said Austin.  "You know what I mean!"

"You'd better take that back right now!" demanded Audrey.

"I WON'T take it back!" said Austin, getting defensive.

Grace and Bella nervously looked at each other and then back at Audrey and Austin.

"TAKE THAT BACK, YOU SAP!!" Audrey shouted at Austin.

"NO, I WON'T!" Austin shouted back.

That's when Audrey totally lost her temper and pounced on Austin.  And soon, both team members were beating each other to a pulp.

  And soon, both team members were beating each other to a pulp

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"Hey!  Austin!  Audrey!  Stop it!  STOP IT!" cried Grace.  "We need to..."

"We don't have time to deal with our teammates now, Grace!" interrupted Bella.  "We need to get rid of those frog, and I know how to get rid of them."

"How are we gonna do that?" asked Grace.

Bella found a nearby trash can that was already filled with foul-smelling garbage and flies.  "Flies will be the possible answer."  She quickly went over to the trash and picked it up.  "What we'll do is have them chase us down with this trash and then throw it somewhere away from the park.  And those frogs will enjoy all the flies they want."

Grace gave Bella a thumbs-up.  "Let's do this!"

While Austin and Audrey were still attacking each other, the frogs chased down the smelly garbage can that Bella and Grace held.

While Austin and Audrey were still attacking each other, the frogs chased down the smelly garbage can that Bella and Grace held

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Super Audrey & Pets in: the Silent TreatmentWhere stories live. Discover now