Prologue - Fire and The Fury

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Nalia POV:

Flames and shouting surrounded the village, angry screams come from outside the border of the town, My family is taking me and my sisters to the edge of the forest, telling us to go, find cover until the fires go out. All of this is going at the speed of lightning, every one of my sisters are running in different directions.

An ear-piercing scream comes from inside the forest as I see the silhouette of my siblings getting stabbed. Another set of screams come from the village as finally all the houses get set ablaze. The figures of citizens, burning alive, coming out from inside the burning recks, falling over their bodies now lifeless. Look up into the sky, praying for something to happen while I sit there, my small 3 yr old self helpless. I see a silhouette glide across the sky, graceful and proud, It dives down and a deafening sound comes from an unknown source. The dark shadow fires a bright blast, the unknown sound again echoing through the no-existent houses.

It lands right in front of me, towering over my small body. It's Onyx figure overlooking me, almost like it was checking me for any harm done. Within seconds it had seized me in its claws, flying higher and higher with the seconds we were in the air. It never let me out of its sight, always keeping an eye on me whenever we stopped on different islands between the start and the end of the small adventure that the draconic animal had taken me along on.

The few days flight from my home town we reached a massive hole in the ground, waterfalls making mist, thick enough that you wouldn't be able to see the bottom. The perfect cover for whatever is underneath.

Before I could take any other detail in, the deep-black reptile, dove deep into the cavern, right through the mist and into a world of bright colours and draconic creatures. Taking the small child that was me into a crystal-like a cavern, there sat two other dragons similar to the one that was holding me.

Rando Fury POV:

I took the young scaleless, into seeing the alpha male and female.

"What should I do with them?" I ask the other dragons, they look at the youngling and then back at each other before the female speaks.

"Take her to the nursery, get Cori to teach her what she needs to know to live here." I do what I am told and take her back to her nests, finding the elder scaleless and placing down the youngling.

"Teach her what she needs to know," I tell her, she seems to understand even though her scarce amount of knowledge of the dragon tongue. 


Hey Fam, 

Just thought I would say hi and ask if anyone had a spare soul or life that I could buy for 5c?

No? Ok just thought I'd ask. Also please do give me constructive criticism, not just criticise this because I already know how much It sucks!

Have fun, Don't die!

- T3

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