Will he come back ❤️

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Hey there my name is lily-Anne belcourt and I have a big secret that nobody knows about.
Whistling away as I was cleaning through my new home when i suddenly hear the doorbell.
'Ooo could it finally be him'
Racing through the house as fast as my legs would carry me, reaching the door in a matter of seconds, I flung it open hoping it was the man I loved waiting on the other side. Disappointment and anger running through my body, took every ounce of my being to not rip his off where he stood.
"Parcel for Miss L Belcourt"
"That's me."
"Sign here please, and where would you like me to put it as it's huge."
"Just put it in the foyer please."
As he gave me a once I saw the fire of primal need awaken in his eyes and as usual the cocky smile followed I thought
'It's just a pretty face darling if you knew what I had within you would run for the hills screaming like a little girl'
Walking away from him as he stood staring
"Just put the parcel there please I'll be back in 2 seconds thanks."
Going into the kitchen and grabbing the only source of food I can stomach before I wipe the grin off of his face. Gulping it down as quick it felt so good I just wish it was warm it's been so long since I've had it warm aarrrghhhhh.
"I'm done I'll leave it here for you and make my way out"
Walking back into the foyer to hand the guy a £20 note.
"Thanks for bringing it inside I appreciate it."
With that he walked out with a smile. Thinking I need to make a trip to the hospital when night falls, sitting in the garden staring at the ring preciously sitting on my finger.
"Without you I wouldn't be sat here now."
Watching the sun go down is one of my favourite pass times once it had departed from the sky and the world turned black I headed back inside. Once I finished getting ready I headed towards the door, once I opened the door my breath left me in a rush, he was finally there the only man I've ever loved stood before me more beautiful than the last time I laid my eyes on him.
"It's you."
"It's me"
"Look Lils I dunno what's happening or what's going on with me I just know I needed to come to you."
" don't worry I know what's happening I can help you babe come on inside I'll explain explain everything".

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