Prologue: The cat and the badger unite

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It was dark, and Mao Mao was on a trip, searching for rumored blueprints of what seemed to be ancient guardians that used to protect a temple on the farthest reach of the globe. He had the essentials needed to survive, and he most definitely could do it, but his eye began to glitch, and he had to stop nearby and fix the eye, and so, he made camp for the night, and began fixing his eye.

~??? POV~

"A black cat has set up camp nearby boss! He looks like a weakling, I say we attack and steal his belongings!" one of my henchman spoke. It was surprising to say the least, camping in the forbidden forest? Now this individual most certainly had a death wish. But it would be an easy pickpocket, could I really pass it up? Of course not! But I had to play this strategically, don't want a repeat of last time... "Stand by, we will attack as soon as they fall asleep."

???(1) - "What!? C'mon boss! He is easy prey! We can just jump in and-

??? - "I said we will wait for them to fall asleep, you imbecile! Don't you understand?" I interrupted and repeated my order. They backed down, and nodded. I get that it's easy, but he looks similar to a member of the Mao Clan, and I don't think we can survive if we antagonize them. Hopefully, the new recruit pays attention to this, he BETTER be paying attention.

~Mao Mao POV~

Fixing my eye was a chore, the dim light of the campfire wasn't what I was accustomed to, but it was my only source of light. After I'm done, I'll grab a bite and turn in for the night, but it would be terrible to go to sleep without protection against t-the wilderness, o-or the monsters... I sigh, fixing your eye is somewhat boring without my sisters telling me things to entertain me, but it is nice to be alone.

Such a lovely night, if Bao Bao was here... W-Wait..! No no no, Mao Mao! Don't think about that, you dumb dumb! I look around to see if anything is near, just to be safe, but luckily, nothing moved or made a sound. Phew... Almost done with this, and then to bed. Im almost finished fixing my eye, after this, I guess I'll eat the chips and go to bed. I just hope nothing outside decides to attack...

~Recruit POV-

Aw jeez, I knew this was a bad idea! Joining the thicket thieves was a bad decision, but the food they offered was too enticing to refuse to!

Now, as my "test", we are gonna rob this kid? Isn't that a bit too low for the thicket thieves? I mean, I get I'm a rookie, but this is absurd!

"Hey! Badgerclops! Get over here!"

The boss's voice snapped me back to reality, and without thinking I quickly went towards the boss. A tiny frog, a cyborg one at that! I'm regretting this more and more by the second!

"Look, try to approach and distract the cat, I have a plan. Now get going!"

Jeesh, for a tiny frog he has a huge ego.

But, I do need the money, and they did say that they would pay me good, so I have no choice. I went to the path a distance away from the kid, to not startle him. Boss better know what he is doing!

~Mao Mao POV~

I hear footsteps...! Someone is coming from the road! Without thinking twice, I quickly hid in a nearby bush, communicating with others Is NOT what I signed up for!

"Hello~? Anybody here?"

A badger approached my tent, he looked buff, and he has a robotic arm! Oh god, he's hot. W-wait! Stop thinking about that! My objective is to survive! M-Maybe he won't notice the voice of my tablet! L-Let's try that..!

Mao Mao- "Nobody's here! Get lost!"

Badgerclops, pointing at the bush Mao Mao was hiding in- "Are you sure? Cause I think your in that bush."

Mao Mao- "N-No...! Im, uh... A-A talking bush! Y-yeah, and you better leave before y-you get cursed! Wooooooo~! N-Now you-"

I was interrupted by a hand grabing me and pulling me towards him! T-That was his mechanical hand!? So he's no ordinary mechanic? O-oh god he's perfect. Wait... Argh! Stop it Mao Mao! You need to survive!

~Badgerclops POV~

Im kind of surprised on how easy that was, I expected him to have atleast put up a fight. Well, I have him, now what? Boss said to distract him, but I don't think they have done anything yet... Wonder what's taking them so long.

~??? (2) POV~

Huh, the fabled Thicket Thieves weren't that strong after all. With just a sneak attack they lost so quickly. How's Mao Mao doing? If things have gone well, he should have made a camp and should have gotten some rest... Or atleast that's what he would do. I better drag these trouble makers to prison. Wonder how much their bounty rewarded...?

~General POV~

While someone took care of the Thicket Thieves and drags them away, Badgerclops and Mao Mao are looking at each other, one inspecting, and the other just being scared in general. Wonder what is happening now?

Badgerclops, realising MM's eye socket- "Hold on... Your missing an eye?!"

Mao Mao, frantically typing- "Oh crap! I forgot to put it back on! Oh my god oh my god ohmygod I'm so sorry you had to see that!"

Badgerclops, horrified at what he saw- "Jeez dude, you should have put it on once you were done with it!"

Mao Mao, putting his eye back on- "Well, I could've done that, if you hadn't scared me like that!"

Badgerclops- "Okay, Okay, I apologise for that. Why are you even in the middle of the woods anyway?"

Mao Mao- "Oh, I'm looking for something in the woods, and I stopped here to rest. Why are you here?"

Badgerclops, flustered- "Huh? Oh! Um... I, uh, got lost?"

Mao Mao, while blushing- "W-Well, if you want to, maybe we could, I-I dunno... Share the tent?"

Badgerclops, in somewhat of a shock- "Wow, that was so straightforward."

Mao Mao typing rapidly, blushing even harder- "W-Wait..! I-I don't mean it l-like THAT! I-I just thought since, y-y'know, you were lost and you were here, w-we could share the tent t-to you know...!"

Badgerclops, while chuckling- "Yea dude, I totally got what you meant, I'm just playing with you."

Mao Mao- "T-That wasn't funny at all!"

Badgerclops- "Well, I don't mind sharing the tent with you, if you don't mind..."

Mao Mao- "A-Alright..! I have most things to last for tonight, maybe we should introduce ourselves..?"

Badgerclops, while extending his hand- "Oh, I completely forgot about that. *ehem* I'm Badgerclops."

Mao Mao, shaking BC's hand after typing out the message- "M-Mao Mao. Pleasure to meet you!"

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