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So I've decided to start this out of my own interest, but any are free to join in on this stuff. A few things I'll mention to clear up any confusion though:

Usually I'll only do RPs where guys gain weight. Girls can be in the story and do anything else, but I'd rather them not gain weight. This is open for discussion, though.

The RP will mainly focus on weight gain, however it can involve other stuff you're interested in. However, I won't do anything with vore. Sorry about that.

There are 2 kinds of RP I'll do. One is the standard, well-known RP where we go back and forth as acting as our characters. The other is less RP-esq and more creating a narrative story. 

In regard to the first kind, we can discuss characters but I'd prefer to be the feeder. That's also open for discussion, but usually I'll like to be the feeder. It'd be nice if you came with a character in mind, if you don't have one that's fine, we can discuss ideas.

And with the second kind of story, each of us will take turns going back and forth through a story. I'm okay with whichever you would prefer.

And that's that. If you're interested just DM/PM me and we can get started as soon as you'd like. 

Weight Gain RPsWhere stories live. Discover now