the beginning

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Silence. Not a single thought lingers my mind. Facing the mirror, my eyes interlock; similar to rooted pine, or tangled earphones. If only I knew how to untangle my thoughts, find a purpose in this fucking shit world. I lay my hand softly upon the mirror as if I could melt into the world which stood before me. If I disappeared, would it really matter? Nobody would forget me, a small fragile girl: who's knotted amber hair fell accordingly into her pale blue eyes. A herd of sheep; except I'm in the middle – no different to the rest. Nothing made me unique. I've always questioned my purpose, what left do I have to fight for? I let my eyes dance across my room, which never truly felt like mine. I was only the daughter my parents wanted me to be; a character they created. A speck of glitter caught my eye, it's motive tugging at my lips. A smile was inevitable, but my thoughts – that was my choice. My feet pulled me before I could think; I need to explain. There's one thing I stand for, one dream, one man. Opening the cupboard spewed lights and dreams as if a bejewelled chest poured wisdom and power.

His onion scent sang out first, I let out a satisfied sigh. The aroma was welcoming, I could imagine his bulky presence looming over my silky white skin. My fingers continued to dance across the shrine, where it caught a crumbled note. Written messily across the page read six simple words, "Shrek is love, Shrek is-" before finishing, a brute voice finished for me. His hand rested on my shoulder, and I reluctantly turned to face him. Butterflies which once fluttered carelessly, turned wild – the anticipation tearing away at all of my self-control.

My eyes shot out as his moist masculine hands slipped down my pants; my swamp was now his. "As tight as I remember" Shrek's voice was low and welcoming, yet I could not reply. His finger continued to dwell deeper into my shy pussy, my eyes rolling back from the pleasure his green ogre hands brought. My eyes start to drift down until it meets his crotch. His sullen bulge pultrudes from his ashy brown pants, I lick my lips thinking about his massive ogre cock. Shrek catches my eyes and grin, I feel his finger leave my newly loose pussy; my legs trembling. Within an instance, his hands grab my neck, I gasp in pain and pleasure alike. He rips off my clothes, my tits bare: grinning from my chest. I feel my body beg for him; to be filled with his cum. He throws me onto my bed, and I grip onto my sheets preparing for his mighty cock to be thrusted into my gaping pussy. Instead, he pulls a new trick; a pleasure I never knew to witness. His crusty lips attach to my nipple, he starts to suck; emptying my breasts of my juicy goods. I was too occupied moaning that I couldn't feel his teeth: within seconds, I couldn't even feel my breasts. He sits up with a devilish green, revealing a chest which no longer held my scrumptious breasts.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2020 ⏰

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