Chapter One: The unknown

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Age 764 - Earth - Universe 7 

"I don't know how I got here. But, here I am. It all feels so familiar, but yet so different at the same time. It's been 2 days? Maybe 3? I've been wandering around alone trying to make sense of the situation. I haven't found anyone to help me just yet. Everything is so barren. Is there even civilization here? Maybe I'm too far out of reach. Perhaps I'll die here alone. I feel tired and weak. Won't someone help me?"  

The young girl stood staring up at a rocky cliff. She cocked her head from side to side before letting out a deep sigh. One step at a time, she pulled herself up onto the cliff to get a better view of the surroundings she stumbled upon. She really had no idea how she ended up here. The last she could remember, she was in her hometown. Walking around in her daily routine, then suddenly, she was here. Reaching the top of the cliff, she took a good look around to find more of the same barren land she must have walked endlessly. She couldn't even tell if she had walked through this very place already or if it was connected as she continued on. As far as her eyes could see, there wasn't much giving her insight on where to go next. "I don't know how much more of this I can handle..." Another deep sigh escaping her trembling lips. She had to find something or someone soon, or she would not survive much longer. Before another thought could form in her head, a gust of wind followed by an eerily sound filled the air around her, knocking her off her feet. She whipped her head around stabilizing herself to see a large aircraft of some sort floating just above her. Her mouth dropped open, not a word or sound escaping as her lips trembled more than they had been. "Wha- what in the world...?!" She had not seen anything like it before, whatever it was. She then watched as it flew further into the distance and disappeared from her sights. Getting back up onto her feet, she continued to look out into the distance taking in what she just saw. As she stepped further to the edge to get a better look of the horizon, her foot lost traction on the pebbles beneath her feet and soon she was sliding down the very cliff and crashing to the bottom.
"...That could have gone much smoother..." She flung her arm up over her head, covering her eyes from the beating sun. Her eyes peaked up as she lay there on her back motionless and suddenly catching the shadow of a figure. She blinked in disbelief, she hadn't seen anyone the entire time she was here. She turned slightly onto her side, squinting in the light to get a better view. A young man, most likely in his late teens, stood tall in front of her. His light lavender hair blew in strands in the wind. She couldn't quite see his face in the light, but by the features she could see, he looked stunned. "!" She called out to him, reaching her arm out in his direction as she flipped herself completely over onto her belly. The young man took a step back and in the blink of an eye, he took off into the air. Dust and debris flew all around her as she continued to stare blankly out into the once again lonely terrain. "How strange.." She pulled herself back up onto her feet, dusting herself off. "He sure was in a hurry.. I mean, he could have at least help--" Before she could finish her sentence, her eyes widened and her fists clenched in front of her. "He...He FLEW!!! He literally flew off into the sky!! What...what is going on here?!" A good part of her thought she must be going crazy from the fatigue and lack of food and water. Not once in her life had she ever seen, let alone heard of a person flying into the air with ease. It just wasn't something you saw outside of sci-fi movies or cartoons. "That just doesn't seem possible...I really must be losing my mind. Oh man..I really need to get out of here.." 

It had been a few hours since she took some time to actually rest. And with the recent events taking place, she felt it best to take a rest then and there. Luckily, a small stream happened to be just a little further from the cliff she fell from. It was better than nothing at this point, at least she could rehydrate herself in preparation for another however many hours she would be wandering around from there. After getting a fill of some water, she propped herself up against another rocky cliff, shading herself from the sun. Before long, her eyes closed and she drifted off into a much needed sleep. But her slumber was cut short when a voice startled her back awake.
"Well lookie what we've got here. We weren't expecting to find anyone in this dead part of the land, yet, here we are." A deep voice let out a satisfied growl as he approached the scared and confused earthling in front of him. "Lord Freeza said he didn't care about the inhabitants of this planet and we could eliminate any we came across." His face held a grin from ear to ear as he walked closer while another man stood behind him. The girl tensed up, pulling herself closer to the cliff as she trembled in fear. 

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