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He Likes His Rare

Chapter One

"Tweek! God damn it, hurry up!" The shrill scream mixed with screeching tires, my own frantic yells, and a few monstrous moans filled the air like a giant audio track of chaos.My shaking hands were full of canned food and small jugs of water as I ran desperately for the dilapidated red Honda Accord charging in my direction. My mind was eerily quiet, which is a very terrifying thing for a guy like me, and only really happens when I'm about to shit my pants (which I'm pretty sure I've already achieved, but when a pack of raving cannibals are chasing you, it's not really the first thing on your mind).The small car halted after a sharp turn, the passenger door being swung open by the flustered driver. For once, I was gracious for my awkwardly long and thin legs, because when I needed to get the fuck out of somewhere, they were really convenient.I didn't dare look back at how close those things were behind me as I flung myself into the car—unceremoniously dumping my spoils on the floor and burying myself into the fake tight leather seat. With a trembling hand, I slammed the door shut and shouted, "Go, go go!"

I could feel the tires beneath us squeal against the rough ground and launch the car forward, nearly sending me through the windshield. I caught myself against the dashboard and flopped back into my seat, glancing out the window with wide brown eyes; watching as the monsters slowly faded over the horizon like the sun did many months ago. Slowly but surely, my heart slowed down and receded back into my chest (for a while there I was petrified that I'd throw it up). Taking a deep breath, I grabbed at the goggles that clung uncomfortably to my face and yanked them over my head, letting them rest in my wild hair."J-Jesus Christ, took you long enough," I spat angrily, examining the brown gloves that were covering the pale skin of my thin hands."Well maybe if you took the bat with you like I said, you could have fended for yourself."

Bebe Stevens, the driver and the only human being I've seen since the world went to fucking Hell, hissed back at me. She flipped her long thick curly hair over her shoulder, and kept her dark blue eyes glued to the cracked road ahead of us."I didn't think they'd be at that store! Didn't you see how run down it was? Erg, I'm not psychic, okay!" Shit, now I'm getting emotional. It's kind of embarrassing how emotional I can get. I probably cry at least twice a day, but what can I say? I'm an emotional guy. No shame in that…unless it kills me. Oh Jesus."No, you're not," Bebe agreed patiently, she held the wheel with one hand while fiddling with the end of her long buckled leather glove with the other, "but zombies are everywhere, always assume that."She didn't have to tell me twice. Looking back on it, it's actually really weird that I had insisted on raiding the store without taking anything. Oh God, the zombies totally developed some kind of mind controlling technique.

They know I'm wicked shit with a bat, so they convinced me to enter the store without one. FUCK!"Bebe, what if the zombies can control minds?" I squeaked worriedly, tugging on the rough fabric of my thick button up jacket. Bebe only snorted, and returned both hands to the wheel, I frowned at her response. She should be taking this shit seriously. They could control her mind at any time too. What if they are now? And she's driving me into a city of zombies?No no. Relax, just relax."Do you hear yourself sometimes?" She laughed. "Not possible babe.""That's what everyone told me when I tried to warn them about the zombies! And look what happened!" I grit my teeth together and swallowed down an involuntary shriek. "And don't call me babe.""Alright, babe.""Ah! That's gross." My reasons behind the disgust I have for that word are a little odd. One, babe is a word only couples use when they're being cuddly and ugh that grosses me out (I know, real mature Tweek, get over it).

And Two, it reminds me of the movie, Babe, you know with that little pig? I can't really remember the details of it much, but when my mother sat me down and forced me to watch it, I ended up sobbing the entire movie. Babe just made me cry…like (embarrassingly) a lot of things.And, now that I just thought of my mom, I might cry again. Shit."So what did you manage to grab before you got chased out of there?" Bebe asked. Meanwhile I was wiping furiously at my eyes so stupid tears wouldn't trickle out. It took me a moment to realize she was talking about the food and water that were rolling around at my feet."Ngh, um" I bent over and picked up a few of the cylindrical containers, reading the labels, "beans, corn, and Spaghetti O's?" Not the best food we've ever found, but it'll do. Jesus what I'd do to get my hands on coffee, I've been craving that shit since the zombies appeared. I know my thermos is in the back seat of the car, eagerly waiting for me to use it again. Sometimes I feel kind of bad for it, so I'll pour some water into it or something."Fuck yeah!" Bebe yelled cheerily as I flinched, "Please tell me there are meat balls in the Spaghetti O's." I looked down at the can again. There is no way that's actually meat."Y-yeah, there are." I mumbled."Oh my God, that just made my day." Bebe said excitedly, making a sharp turn, causing me to almost slide out of my seat."How can you eat those things man, there is no way that's quality beef!""I don't care what it is, it tastes fucking good." Bebe turned to me and licked her lips seductively."Keep your eyes on the road!" I screeched. She laughed, but did what I said.We were silent then, watching the road and dead grass pass by us.

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