Outlaws (For MineralFox's Contest)

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Outlaws (For Mineralfox's Contest)

It all started one night. One night when me and my friends decided to steal something more valuable than we thought. And it wasn't just another diamond or piece of jewelry. This was something that would change the fate of our small town.


A loud alarm went off. We all jumped, causing Amaya to almost drop the small, red gem. "Murph! I thought you disabled the security!" Said Raven, looking at me.

"I did! I disabled all the cameras and security! I promise!" I said, putting my hands in the air. Before we knew it, people with guns came into the room. They looked like soldiers, only they wore masks and black uniforms."Stop! Put your hands in the air!" Said one of them. 

We all looked at each other. Me and Raven slowly put our hands in the air, looking at the ground. We both knew what was next. 

Amaya didn't, though. She pulled out her firearm and shot one of the men in the throat, since their heads and chests were protected. "Fire!" Shouted one of the men. They all started firing their guns at us. 

The three of us took cover. Amaya hid behind a statue, Raven hid behind a shelf, and I hid behind another They continued to fire, breaking a few vases and chipping a few statues. Raven fired a couple of bullets, one shooting a man in the knee, the other between his legs. 

He fell to the ground, bleeding out. He screamed in pain and agony, but the men ignored him. I pulled a grenade out of my belt, then pulled the fuse. As quick as possible, I threw it at the men. One of them looked at it. "Get ou-" He tried to say, but before he could, the grenade exploded.

The explosion left a hole in the floor and wall. The people who did survive fell through the hole and got seriously injured- or died. The three of us left our hiding places. I listened closely and heard police sirens coming. Obviously they did too, since their eyes widened.

"Run." I said, as we all bolted away from each other. When we were stealing, we work together like a team. When we were caught, it was every man for themselves. 

I quickly opened a window, then tied a black to the latch. I threw the rope out the window, causing it to fall a couple feet away from the ground. I slid down the rope, my fingerless gloves preventing me from getting rope burn. 

As soon as I touch I ground, I ran for the outer wall. The gates were locked, and I need to react- fast. I looked around at my surroundings to see an axe lying on the ground. "This'll have to do." I said, then picked up the axe. I began swinging the axe at the outer wall, chipping away at the painted white stone. 

I realized it wasn't doing much damage, and that it was pointless. I threw the axe across the yard, the axe landing directly in a tree. Instead of trying to chip away again, I ran back over to the gate and put my gloves in my pocket. I wrapped my body around one of the golden poles, and began climbing up. 

It wasn't long before I was at the top. I slid down the same pole on the other side, jumping off about five feet from the ground. I ran towards our black, worn down truck. Raven was already there, while Amaya was running towards us. "Go! go! go! go! go! " Said Raven, opening the door for Amaya.

She hopped into the passenger side, and Raven got into the driver's seat. I sat in the trunk of the small truck, leaving me totally vulnerable. But, I was usually the one who ended up back there.

I saw flashing lights approaching us, followed by a loud siren. "Uh, I think we should go now."

"Hold on, Murph!" Said Raven, trying to get the keys into the slot. The police cars got closer. You could fully see all eight of them now. I began to panic. "We need to go now!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2014 ⏰

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