Brooke's Rules of dating.

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1. Before you give a guy sex, make sure he takes you on a date. And pays for it. Why? Because you deserve it. Also, if a man is interested in just sex, he will not be OK with spending money on a date. Usually. Also if you do have sex and its terrible at least you get something out of it.

2. When to actually have sex? Whenever you want to. I'd say wait until hes taken you on 3 dates. But, don't feel like you need to just because he is taking you out. Also make sure he pays for it. Mcdonald's does not count as taking you out btw.

3. Make sure he knows if he cheats on you that you will chop his balls off. Also 3 somes and orgies are out of the question, and should never be asked for.

4. Never ever under any circumstances should you ever tell a guy you love him first. Always let him say it first. If you say it first you might freak him out. If he hasn't said it after 3 months then youre on your own b/c that has never happened to me. Don't say it back unless you really do love him too, and if you don't feel it just say thank you, but you're not to that point yet.

5. Gifts. We all love gifts. However, you don't want to look like a gold digger. So tell him he does'nt have to get you stuff, but he still needs to get you stuff. Hopefully hes not too stupid to understand that. When does he need to give you a gift? Birthday, Anniversary, Christmas, and Valentines day.

6. Deal breakers! We all have them. Deal breakers. They are different for everyone. If there is something in life you really want such as children and he does not... break up. Deal breaker. Don't sacrifice your happiness for someone else.

7. Engagement and marriage. If you're with a guy for more than 2-3 years and he has NOT proposed or mentioned marriage. Then you need to see wtf is up or leave him. Us woman don't have time to date men who wont commit. Make sure he gets you a nice ring. If you don't like it, tell him.

8. Always guard your heart. Until you're sure unless you want to be heart broken. Don't let him in all the way until you are sure he is your end game ride or die man. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2020 ⏰

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