IPv4 to IPv6 Trials, Resolutions, and Results

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View IPv4 as a version that is on a brink of eminent extinction and IPv6 as a newer version that is here to save and restore the future of internet. What would you choose, IPv4 or IPv6?

For many global businesses, it can be considered a very big decision to adopt IPv6 fully, yet not willing to leave IPv4 behind. It is like an emotional attachment for IPv4 as well as a fear to move to IPv6, this can be due to many reasons which are highlighted below.

Trials or Challenges faced to move from IPv4 to IPv6:

IPv4 domination: IPv4 has dominated the internet or we can say it was the only source of internet till IPv6 was launched in 2012.

IPv4 exhaustion: IPv4 however has ran out, or on a brink of running out and may run out by the end of 2021 in Internet registries worldwide.

Lack of IPv6 awareness: People are not aware of IPv6 and the benefits it provides to a business. Awareness about IPv6 must be spread effectively and hence Alpha InfoLab, an official IP Broker and Facilitator is determined to do just that and advocate the idea of IPv6, especially to our clients.

Hindrance from NAT technology: To counter the shortage and to conserve IPv4s, NAT technology (Network Address Translation) is being actively used to give a breathing time for IPv4. NAT remaps many IP addresses and hides it behind 1 IP address as though to show the IP address is coming straight from the routing device. This method is very popular however it is the biggest problem in restricting the rise of IPv6.

Resolutions to move from IPv4 to IPv6:

Cost factor of IPv6: Many are under the impression that IPv6 is expensive and are apprehensive to transit from IPv4. However, there is a middle road to keep running both IPv4 and IPv6, Dual Stack Technology. Not sure what Dual Stack is? How to Purchase IP Block from IPv6? for more information.

Fate of IPv4s: Many are unaware on what happens to their IPv4s after transition to IPv6. Alpha InfoLab understands and knows the dilemma businesses face especially regarding the fate of their IPv4s after moving to IPv6. This is where IPv4.deals comes in. It is the best exchange platform for IPv4 where bidding for IPv4s takes place, purchase of IP address as well as selling IPv4 addresses is easy and transparent.

Results to move from IPv4 to IPv6:

IPv6 adoption: IPv6 has been adopted slowly and steadily. According to a 2019 report by Internet Society, the percentage of countries who have adopted IPv6 has increased and you will be surprised to know that

Wider Need for IPv6: IPv6 is essential and for the next generation devices and technology like Cloud, IoT, Smart vehicles, etc. So, utilize this opportunity to advance your business especially if you are looking to explore and capitalize with an IPv6 enabled business.

Increase in Internet usage and speed: With the rise in mobile usage worldwide, whether it is online gaming or shopping online, using applications like WhatsApp, Tik Tok etc., every device that uses the internet needs an IP address, the demand for new IPv6 addresses has skyrocketed and so shifting your business to an IPv6 enabled one will give your business a major boost, since it enables you to connect easily with other IPv6 enabled websites, technologies and devices.

Internet Consolidation: To consolidate or make the internet stronger, IPv6 adoption by every business on the planet is the time of hour. It is time businesses move on from the nostalgic IPv4 to the progressive IPv6. .

Follow the IPv6 leaders like Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, Akamai and more today. Ready to speak to our IPv6 experts? . 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2020 ⏰

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