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(A/N: this is a take on the movie party of 5, but with OTO. The basic plot point of the movie is that the parents tragically pass away and the 5 kids are left on their own to figure life out, ofc the oldest being of age. So, for the sake of this story, Andrew is newly 20, jon is newly 15, dev is 10, jon is 5 and daws is 1.)

No time Skip

Andrew's POV

Isn't it sickeningly funny that one tiny mistake or error can change your life forever? Think about it. If your parents didn't break up, you wouldn't have moved and possibly met your soulmate. Little things change into big things. And that's kind of like what happened to me. You see, I'm a newly 20 year old guy who was originally from Nashville but moved to NYC for college, but I wouldn't be there for long. I will never forget the night I received the gut-wrenching news about my parents. It was a cool, crisp morning and I was dead asleep since it wasn't even 7 A.M yet. I woke up from a nightmare and before I could fall back asleep after I shook off the initial fear, my phone went off. It said "Dad", so I didn't hesitate to answer. "Hey pops what's up?" I asked. "Is this Andrew bloom?" An unfamiliar masculine voice responded, catching me off guard. "Do you have a moment? I'm sorry I know it's early but we've just discovered a fatal vehicle collision and unfortunately it was a hit and run, no victims survived. I don't know how to say this, but your parents have pass-" by the time he began to say "passed away", I completely shut out. My brain couldn't process the fucking heartbreak I was feeling, and I felt my heart beating out of my chest. It felt like my world was coming to an end. Within a few moments I was able to respond to the officer who told me that I should probably head home to Nash, to work out custody of my brothers. I shakily packed my bags as I held back tears. I couldn't cry in front of the boys, especially the young ones. Once I had my belongings, I quickly took a plane to Nashville. It didn't feel like coming home, though, it felt like entering a foreign nightmare. It's like my body knew my parents weren't there anymore, and I felt a sense of unease and tension as I arrived. That could also be partially due to being scared of what would happen to
My brothers. I found my house and knocked on the door, disregarding the fact that I had a key. It felt wrong to open the door without a clear form of consent, like it was no longer my home. I heard sniffles and footsteps leading up to the door, and then a metallic jingling as the door opened. Slowly, my young brother Devin peeked his head out and saw me, immediately swinging the entire door open and leaping into my arms. I managed to catch him and held him close as I walked the both of us inside. My other brother, Jon sat with the two youngest on the couch. Sam, second youngest, cuddled up on Jon's left side, as Dawson was held in jons right arm and cuddled on his right side. "Where's Mama And Papà?" Sam said, seemingly unknown and oblivious to the fact that they were no longer with us. Jon just stayed silent, and I could tell he didn't want to answer that question. I hugged my other brothers and we all
Stayed in the living room, hugging in silence as only the young boys could sleep. The next day we would have to work out what happened to the four boys since they weren't legally able to care for themselves.

Party of Five (An OTO fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ