Becoming a Queen

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The sky was still dark on D'Qar, sounds of the planet's fauna keeping everyone asleep. The sun would be up soon, but for now, they were resting. Soft snoring and rustling echoing throughout the halls as the people on the Resistance base slept. Rey jolted up in her bed, wincing slightly upon remembering that Ben lay next to her. She paused for just a moment, waiting for him to move or grunt, to give any sign that she had woken him with her jump. A quiet snore escaped him and she breathed a sigh of relief, softly returning to her spot.

His arm moved back up and around her, embracing her as he slept, and she couldn't help but smile. Even unconscious he cares, she thought, turning to face him, her head nestling nicely against his chest. A few months ago she never would have thought to be with someone like she was with Ben. Then again, a few months ago, she wouldn't have thought it possible to take down Supreme Leader Snoke with only one person as a backup. Things change, and they change fast. Taking a short, shaky breath, she closed her eyes, feeling the safety and comfort of being next to Ben.

She was back in the throne room. She hated this room. She hated the creature that had once resided in this room. She watched as everything unfolded around her. The events that had occurred in this room months ago. Ben watched in despair as she crumbled to the floor, crying out in pain and anger, the saber clanging against the floor as she dropped it. Rey watched as Ben turned from her to Snoke, rage burning in his eyes. She followed as he launched into the air, bringing the saber down through Snoke's heart.

Rey felt a tear slip down her cheek as Ben made his way back to her clone on the floor, comforting her, trying to tell her that everything was okay. He didn't know. He didn't know what Snoke had whispered to her. What things Snoke had confessed. She wanted so badly to believe that he had lied, but she knew by the tug at her heart that it was the truth.

She pulled her eyes away from the two people on the ground, turning instead to face the throne, trying not to relive this moment again. Why was this memory burned into her mind? Why couldn't she just let it go? Rey wiped her face, looking around. There must have been something. Something she hadn't noticed before. She stood, scanning the room, looking for anything unusual, until finally, she found it. Standing behind the throne, peeking his head out to watch Ben comfort the girl he loved. Rey narrowed her eyes, taking a step forward to identify the mysterious person.

The figure behind the throne looked up at her, beckoning her over to him. She felt that pull on her stomach, making her almost feel sick as she saw a wicked grin underneath the hood of the figure's cloak. Instinctually reaching for her quarterstaff, she grimaced, grabbing nothing but air.

She took a final glance at Ben, seeing him walk away. She saw the pain residing in the face of the Rey from only a few months ago. With a deep breath, she looked at the figure. One step. Two. She made her way over to him, every muscle in her body ready to run. Her mind screamed at her to leave, but she didn't. She needed to know why this moment haunted her.

"That's it, my child," the figure whispered, his voice sounding as if it were in her head. Rey shivered, stopping for a second as she regained her composure.

"Who are you? What do you want with me?" she asked him, hearing a chuckle in response. She took another step, almost in defiance. She would battle whatever demon was hiding in her subconscious. She watched as the man looked up further, his face still covered in the shadow of his hood.

"I only wish to further you on the path to power," he said. Rey stopped, for good this time, shaking her head.

"No. I won't let you sway me to the darkness. I don't want power." She nodded slightly as if to confirm her own words, before reaching her arm out, pulling for the saber. Something clicked inside her and she smirked, feeling the saber racing toward her hand. Without a second thought, she ignited the saber.

Becoming a Queen - A Sequel to Finding His QueenWhere stories live. Discover now