Chapter 1 - Kind of... clingy

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Zane walked down the front steps of his house, an angry scowl on his face, though you probably wouldn't have been able to see it under his mask.

It was ridiculous, he told himself, that he had to put up with another, and then yet another year of high school garbage.

He sighed an irritable sigh. Garroth was lucky; he was in college already. He didn't have to deal with empty-headed high school kids anymore .

Of course, Garroth had always been the lucky one. His report cards had always been amazing, and Zane would always be in the shadow of his older brother.

Suddenly, something bumped his shoulder. He growled, "Hey watch where you're going!" he yelled at the running figure.

The figure stopped and backtracked. "Oh, sorry, man." The guy had gray-ish brown hair that fell over part of his face.

Zane was just about to yell at the guy for being so careless when a female voice interrupted him before he could even start.

"Jee, Hunter, you nearly killed the poor guy."

A white haired mei'fwa came up next to the guy, Hunter, apparently.

"Maybe you shouldn't be my trainer. I have the varsity letter already anyways." She tapped her chin thoughtfully and there was a teasing glint in her eye.

Hunter rolled his eyes. "Just because you have a varsity letter doesn't mean you don't need training." He turned to Zane. "Sorry about that. I didn't mean to hit you."

Zane scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Hey, we go to the same school!" the mei'fwa said, looking at Zane's uniform. "Wanna walk together?"

Zane wanted the company, especially now that his brother was gone, but he would never admit it. "N-."

"Great!" the girl said. The look in her eyes said she wouldn't take 'no' for an answer. He sighed irritably again.

"Sometimes, Keori, I swear." Hunter shook his head. "Sorry about that. Anyway, I'm Hunter, and that's Keori. What about you?"

Zane sighed a resigned sigh. "Zane."

"Zane's a cool name," Hunter said, nodding.

Zane looked at him, waiting for a laugh or a smirk to show he was making fun of him. When he saw or heard nothing. "Thanks, I guess."

"So, what year will you be starting?" Hunter asked, trying to make small talk while they walked to school.

"Junior," he responded.

"Cool. Keori and I are seniors this year."

"That's nice, I guess," Zane said. An awkward silence filled the small group. Finally, they arrived at school.

"For once!" Keori suddenly shouted.

Hunter and Zane jumped. "What the?" Zane started.

"For once I'm actually early!"

Hunter and Zane just stared at her. She coughed. "Hey, maybe we should head to-." She was interrupted by a commotion behind them.

They peeked their heads around the corner. A small circle of four boys stood in front of two meifwa girls, one with pink hair and the other with dark blue hair. They stood pressed up against the lockers, and the boys were laughing at them.

"Maybe we should- oh, great," Hunter said.

"What? What's- Oh." Zane stared flatly at Keori as she walked up to the group, her sleeves rolled up.

"Hey!" she yelled. The boys turned to look at her. She stepped in between the boys and the two girls. "Back. Off."

The boys looked at each other, and back at Keori, then at each other again. They looked at her varsity letter, shuffled their feet, and walked away, mumbling under their breath.

Keori turned around. "Are you guys okay?"

The girl with pink hair jumped up. "Yes, yes! Kawaii~Chan thanks you so, so much!"

The purple haired girl brushed her skirt off, her hands shaking. "Yes, thank you. They've been harassing us since we got here."

"I'm glad you're okay," Keori said, smiling.

The girl with the pink hair, Kawaii~Chan, gasped. "Silly Kawaii~Chan forgot to do introductions!" She pointed to the purple haired meifwa. "This is Abi~Chan," then she pointed to herself, "and this is Kawaii~Chan."

Keori hugged Kawaii~Chan. "Kawaii~Chan, you are adorable!"

Kawaii~Chan hugged back. "Thank you!!"

"Alright, hehe, let's go," Zane said, pulling them along.

"What th- Zane, what are you doing?" Keori asked.

Once they were out of the way of the lockers, Zane stopped. "What was that for?!" Keori asked.

"Sorry, I just... know her," Zane said.

"What do you mean, you know her?"

"I mean, you should probably keep your distance."

"What? Why!?"

"She's just kind of... clingy." Zane shrugged.


"That's not a very nice thing to say," Hunter interjected.

Zane shrugged again, getting defensive. "I mean, it's true."

Keori was about to say more when the bell rang. "Hmph." They parted ways to go to there separate homerooms.



What'd ya think?!

I know what you're thinking; "Oh, my word, Natty, another  fan fiction?!"



Yeh, well, sorry, not sorry. I'm'na keep writing, whether y'all like it or not.



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