Chapter 1 Poor Todd

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"AHH Shit!"  Jason yelled. "Oh, I'm sorry did I hurt you little Todd?" The Joker said in an evil toned voice. "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" As the Joker laughed while beating Jason with a bloody  crowbar. "Well it's been fun. but I have to go now." The Joker said. "Bye bye Todd."  Once the Joker closed the door behind him. *Tick, Tick, Tick* As Jason looked to his left it was to late, for him to get out.  Once as Batman got there it was to late. "I'm too late...." Batman sighed. As he picked up Jason's dead body that was covered in thick blood. As the dark red blood ran down Batman's arm, a tear came down from his face and hit the dark bloody floor.                   

At the day of the funeral. Bruce and Dick were the only people there.  Well there were the only people that Jason knew at the time.  It was sad knowing that Jason only knew two people, and his family left him to die.  Jason was a good kid after all. But what Bruce put him his was not the same.  

After a couple day's Batman was  ready for a new sidekick. Dick  was surprised that he was ready.  Bruce's new  sidekick was Tim Drake. Tim was new to all of this, he was just 15 at that time. Tim wanted to be like the Batman, but Bruce said that he'll never be like the Batman. Tim just looked at him with a little tear in his eye.  "Tim you can't just say you'll be like someone that your not."  As Tim sighed he said, "I know but, that won't stop me from trying!" As Dick walked in he had just over heard Tim, and Dick said, "I like him, he's not afraid of yelling." Tim looked at Dick and smiled, Dick smiled back. "I guess he's the new robin?" Said Dick.  "No, I have a feeling that he'll be more than a Robin, I think he'll be called the Red Robin." Said Bruce.  

After a couple months of hard training, Batman got Red Robin to go with Nightwing on a mission. They had went to the Arkham City to find doctor Namtab. After they had found Dr. Namtab they had nonked him out. and brought him to the BatCave. They needed something that Dr. Namtab had. What they need was to know where Ivy  was gonna hit next. Dr. Namtab told them what they need to know, and they had folded Ivy.  Without Dr. Namtabs help they would have never found her. They had stopped her, before she had killed BatWing. (BatWing is Luke Fox, sorry he was never in the story before.)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2020 ⏰

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