epilogue attempt

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Catherine couldn't help but feel anxious as she walked on Platform 9 and 3/4 among the throngs of students she would soon be joining at Hogwarts. She was used to the constant stares and whispers, but she was aware that the impending excitement at finally being able to go to her parent's old school felt like it would never come. She couldn't block the feeling that she wasn't welcome here, that she was an outsider.

'Look over there!'

'Isn't that her? The one with the green eyes.'

'Yes, I think it is, Tanning! Don't go near her, stay with me or Drenadon at all times, do you hear?'

'Ew, she's so ugly.'

'Hasn't she heard of bronzer? She looks so pale!'

'Well, what do you expect from Voldemort's daughter?'

'Look away from that witch.'

Catherine rolled her eyes at that one. Yes, she was a witch- that was exactly why she was going to Hogwarts.

'Don't worry, darling. You'll be fine.' her mother crouched down on one knee to smile comfortingly at Catherine, enveloping her in a hug. Tessa Malfoy was gorgeous, even with the pinkish scar running from the tip of her eyebrow and in her eye to her cheek. Her black locks of hair cascaded down her back in curls and her bright green eyes had tiny crinkles at the corners, indicating she smiled and laughed a lot. Catherine inherited both her hair and eyes- there was no sign of her father anywhere in her.

'Damn right she'll be.' Catherine's father grinned at her, raking a hand through his pale blonde hair. Draco Malfoy was ever the charmer, and girls still openly swooned over him at the age of 30.

It was enough to make Catherine want to vomit. People had no shame in ogling a married man.

From what Mum said, Draco was the same at Hogwarts. She even related the story that Grandma Valentine had told her before death- how Grandfather Malfoy talked to himself while looking in the mirror and flexed unashamedly. It had made Catherine giggle for hours straight.

Even in Goodling's Primary for Witches and Wizards, no one had ever wanted to talk to her or play with her. Girls scorned her and loudly declared how ugly and disgusting she was. Boys pretended to pull her sleeve up and reveal an imaginary Dark Mark. Catherine still couldn't understand why people would say she was Voldemort's child- it wasn't possible. Was it?

'Ugh, where are they?' her mum murmured as she stood up, searching the crowds. Her dad put a protective arm around Catherine's mum, quietly whispering, 'They'll be here. I know it.'

Suddenly, Tessa recognised the trademark red hair, standing up and excitedly shouting, 'They're here!' she ran towards them but a trolley suddenly appeared in front of her out of nowhere. Catherine lost her footing and fell to the floor with a loud 'Oof!'

'Oh my goodness! Cathy, are you okay?' Teddy Lupin's worried face came into focus as Catherine stood up, the world looking like a hazy swirl of grey.

'Yeah, I'm fine. I think.' Catherine giggled, getting to her feet.

'CATHERINE NARCISSA MALFOY! Don't you dare ever do that again!' her dad's furious face came into view. Catherine gulped. She'd be lucky if she got out of this without being grounded for three months.

'Draco! She's okay.' Catherine's mom reassuringly put a hand on his forearm.

'But, Braveheart-!'

'You worry too much,' Tessa Malfoy rolled her eyes before gesturing to Catherine. 'She's fine! See? All in one piece, like how she started.'

Her father smirked. 'Oh, so you want to talk about that?'

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2020 ⏰

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