Chapter 1

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Adriana's POV

Hi, my name is Adrianna. I am four years old. You would think I'm really wild and happy like other four year olds but sadly I can't be. I'm not not allowed to be happy. At least that's what my mother says. I don't really understand it but what mother says goes.

I don't have any stuffed animals and I'm not allowed to watch any tv. All I'm allowed to do is clean the house and some days when I'm being extra good then I get to sleep on the air mattress instead of the couch.

"Listen you skank" My Mother spat at me while going to the front door.
"If this house is not completely spotless before I get home, you won't get dinner"
"Y-y-es m-m'am" I stuttered out.
She just scoffed at me while walking out the door.

She hated that I stuttered because she thought it was annoying. But she has overtime realized that it's because I'm scared of her and she likes that I am scared of her.

I quickly remember that I have to clean the house or else I won't get dinner tonight. Not that it's gonna be any good but I know I won't be able to sleep if I have absolutely nothing in my tummy. One time I accidentally fell asleep before she got home and she slapped me and told me I had to sleep on the floor without a blanket nor dinner. Her slap was so hard, it hit me onto the ground. That night was a very long night of crying and hoping that I could somehow go somewhere else. I always saw the neighbors kids playing and having fun outside and it looked so fun. But I was never allowed to go play with them because I didn't deserve it.

I was about done cleaning the bathroom. The bathroom was the worst one so I always did it first. Then I do the kitchen, and then the living room which is the easiest to do.

I use to hate cleaning but it gives me something to do I guess. I use to think mother would come home and be proud of me but she always just saw the mistakes. It hurt for awhile but I eventually got used to it.

I was completely finished with the whole house and double checked everything making sure there were no major issues that mother could yell at me or hurt me for.

I didn't really know what to do after that so I just kept cleaning over and over again. My eyes were growing tired but I wasn't allowed to fall asleep till mother got home. So I just kept moving and moving to keep myself awake.

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