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October 11, 1996
Today's the big day, that's right it's the homecoming rally. Me being part of the football team and all, have a game to play right after the rally. And you'll never guess who we're against. Well to end the suspense we're against the Angels. That's right the freakin' Angels. If the name couldn't be more horrific. God I hate them with there pearl white uniforms and sticks up there ass. I swear if I have to go against them one more time I'll carve my own eyes out. But hey, I don't make my own schedule. Hope they lose so I i can brag about it all year to there faces. But that's a hole lotta hope. We always fucking tie. Like, they are good but i mean, how? But whatever I gotta go practice before I grow a vagina and Bobby has my ass.

            Why do I have this I don't know,

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