Chapter 1

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"Hartley Rathaway," Harrison Wells, the brilliant but disgraced scientist, announced as he pulled up a biodata sheet on the mini-computer built into his wheelchair. It was instantly projected onto the television in front of him. "The prodigal son...And he has returned."

Detective Joe West stared at the screen. Next to a page listing employee's background and personal details was a photograph of a young man in his early twenties. Beneath a pair of round glasses his blue eyes contained a look Joe had seen on many young felons from the upper class; a look of snobbery, as if they believed their wealth elevated them above the law, yet there was nothing, no trace of malice that suggested he could be so driven by vengeance to be capable of murder. "Any ties to Rathaway Industries?"

"His grandfather founded it, his father expanded it. Hartley was set to inherit the throne."

"What happened?" Barry asked.

"He came out to his parents." Caitlin shrugged. "Old money, old values."

"They were estranged when we met, but he was brilliant," Wells explained. "Rathaway possesses one of the finest scientific minds I've ever encountered. I couldn't have built the accelerator without him."

"You guys have never even mentioned his name," Barry said.

Caitlin rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly. "That's because Hartley had a...challenging personality."

"What she means," Cisco interjected, "is that he was mostly a jerk. But every once in a while, he could be a dick."

Joe chuckled.

"Like many outliers, Hartley had trouble relating to his peers," Wells said.

"Yes," Caitlin agreed, "but he was always your favourite."

"The chosen one," Cisco muttered.

"He referred to himself like that," said Wells as the intercom rang.

Caitlin moved behind the main computer table to answer the intercom. "S.T.A.R. Labs, Caitlin Snow speaking."

"Good morning," came a woman's voice from the other end. "Is Dr. Harrison Wells in?"

"He is."

"May I speak to him?"

Caitlin cast a worried look at Dr. Wells as he moved his wheelchair closer. "Why do you want to talk to him?"

"It is a personal matter. Please."

"Who—" Caitlin began, but Dr. Wells cut her off.

"Let her in, Dr. Snow."

With a heavy frown, Caitlin pressed a button to unlock the gate.

"So. Rathaway. If you two were so close, why would he target you?" Joe asked, returning them to the conversation.

"Hartley left S.T.A.R. Labs a year ago after we had...a disagreement," Wells replied.

"About what?"

Harrison paused, as though he was hiding something—no, Joe thought, deciding how much to reveal and what to keep hidden.

"Look, don't worry," Barry said firmly. "We'll stop him."

A knock on the door made everyone turn around. Standing in the entrance to the Cortex was a young woman, really a girl at most. Her Asian heritage was apparent in her beige skin and subtly slanted eyes, eyes that were wide with innocence yet contained more maturity than befitted someone who looked to be barely out of college.

The girl dipped her head in greeting. "I'm sorry," she said. "I'm looking for Dr. Wells...may I speak to him?"

Dr. Wells moved his chair forward a few inches. "Pleased to meet you. Do come in," he said. "How may I help you, Miss...?"

The girl shook his outstretched hand, her hand small and thin in his. "My name is Melody," she said. "I am looking for a man named Hartley Rathaway."

Barry exchanged glances with Joe. Caitlin exchanged glances with Cisco. Dr. Wells kept his eyes on the girl named Melody. "Unfortunately, Hartley Rathaway has not been an employee of S.T.A.R. Labs in at least a year."

"I know, sir, but you were his last employer and he spoke highly of you. Hartley went missing almost a year ago and no one has heard from him since then. I thought you might know something about his whereabouts."

"Is finding Hartley Rathaway that important to you?"

"Yes, sir." There was no doubt, no trace of hesitation in the girl's voice as she spoke. Nor in her eyes, which were fixed firmly on Dr. Wells.

In the silence that followed Barry was the first to speak. "Why do you want to find him?"

The girl took a moment to answer. It was the same hesitation Joe had sensed in Harrison Wells earlier, when asked what he and Hartley fell out about.

"Well, sir," she said quietly, "he is my fiancé."

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