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Into the Land of the lost Unicorns

“oww!! Mom Hailey bit me!!” Screamed Kaitlynn, as her little sister laughed. “girls!” my mom exclaimed. “I told you this weekend we are not going to fight, or bicker about anything if it is a real problem you come to me other than that I don’t want to her a peep out of either of you, Got it?” me and my sister agreed even though we both knew that it wasn’t going to happen like we planned. See, me and my mom and sister where going camping, it was my moms idea of a vacation away from the long hours of me and Hailey arguing. It was going to be a whole weekend stuff in a campground, it was not going to be fun, and I know that is the one thing me and Hailey could agree on. As soon as we got there we had to pitch the tent and as soon as that was done me and Hailey were sent off to make friends, But i should have known my mom always has a twist right when we thought we were being let off to explore she said we had to stay together. Of course. I didn’t really want to but i felt like if i broke the rules she would find out someway. Thats how it always was. I did something and she found out one way or another. So we just decided to go next door. I turned around and gave my mom my best “please don’t make me,” face, But in return all I got was a motion meaning move on. I turned around and began to think of different ways to make it so she wouldn’t make me make friends, but before I could think of anything Hailey was knocking on the trailers door. A little young girl, maybe a year or two younger than me. She was red hair, and had freckles all across her cheeks and nose. she was probably five foot two, I was five foot ten so she seemed about 11. “well, what are you doing out there?” she asked. “we… um.. wanted to see if we… could…uh…………….” Hailey cut me off. “we just wanted to see if we could come in and hang out.” The girls eyes light up in joy. “well, of course.” She grabbed my arm and Hailey’s and pulled us both in. I looked around and saw a small trailer kinda what I thought when I looked at it from the outside. She showed us where she slept or her “room”.  Then she seemed excited, and she lead us into the kitchen. There was a little table set aside from everything else. She strictly told is to hold it and recite the paper it was laying on. So out of respect and curiosity we did as told. Hailey gripped my hand strongly in the other hand was the amulet. I looked down at the piece of paper it had once rested on and read out loud. “What if every wish you made, would come true in a different universe, would you wish the same thing you did yesterday, would you rethink what you say to be a part of their universe, Would you use the power wisely, I would.” and before I could ask why she had us do that I was whisked away with Hailey. All i remember was that, pretty much just seeing the little freckled girl, then seeing nothing but blurry stuff. I didn’t know if it was just me, but all I really know that I wanted to wake up and notice it was all a dream but as much as I tried, i just couldn’t wake up.

My eyes began to open. I saw a figure standing in front of the little light I could see from what I made out was a cave of such. The black outline of a figure started to move. and another figure moved off the first figure or, i was just hallucinating. The figure came down and touched my arm. a familiar voice talked to me. “Are you ok, you took a pretty hard fall.” As soon as the voice finished I immediately knew that voice was from one person. “Hailey?” i asked, and for the first time I was actually hoping it was her. “yea, it’s me.” She replied. I was relieved. I asked her what the other figure was, well I was pointing at where I thought the figure was. “we will talk about that later.” she replied. She tried to lift me, but ended up putting me down on a rag and dragging me out into the sun. My eyes started to clear up, I noticed I was laying up against a large oak tree. I saw a sun in the sky, green grass, a large area of land with trees stretching over the land, and the cave I had come out of, well at least what I thought I had come out of. Nothing out of the ordinary. I don’t know what happened but Hailey refused to tell me. I was not really understanding of what the heck was going on with me. My brain was blank, and i couldn’t do anything about it, that was the worst part. Pretty much my whole life I was in control of things, so right now as I  layed up against the big oak tree. The only thing that really ran through my mind “why is Hailey so calm and normal, and NICE to me!!” I tried to move up. My arm shot a painful shock cv, I felt nauseated and my stomach hurt. My arms collapsed and I fell to the ground, and then on top of that i hit my head off the tree. Hailey ran over to me, and perched me up onto the tree. “I knew you were not ok.” She pulled me onto the rag, and dragged me over to a unicorn?!? ok, now I am really going nuts. She put her hand on it and closed her eyes. the unicorn nodded, And pointed his horn towards me and the last thing I saw was Hailey crossing her fingers, which made me scared, Why?? why was she crossing her fingers, Is it because there is a possibility this is not going to work, But sure enough I woke up to a blurr and an unclear vision. I propped myself on my arm, wait, I propped myself up on my arm. That means that my arm was okay, but who, and how. I remember last the sharp pains that had traveled throughout my arm. My head felt heavy, and I felt dizzy and scared. Hailey looked over me, you ok. “what the hell just happened to me.” Sorry for the language I was angry and confused. “it fixed you.” she replied happily, me on the other hand i was not that happy. I sat up against the tree. “what the heck is IT, it?!?” i replied angrily. She stared at me. “you’re not ready.” she told me. “Not Ready!?!?!” I screamed.  I had it! I lost my sanity. “I have spent the whole time I was here, being confused and angry and it was all your fault, I am more reading than you and you know it so I don’t want to hear it… “ “THEY’RE UNICORNS!” she screamed at me. “Now hailey, don’t be silly, Maybe you hit your head too.” she sighed, and began to speak. “Follow me.” she tugged at my arm, so I got fully up and followed her. She lead me into the cave I had first come out of. I could see a glimpse of white fur. She moved out of the way. A unicorn laid in front of me. It’s white fluffy head popped up. ok maybe I am the one who is delusional, I became light headed and began to fall backwards. Hailey rushed over quickly and grabbed me about three inches away from the ground. She could only hold me up for a little bit longer, and I was aware, As much as I wanted to get up and laugh I couldn’t. I knew she wasn’t joking. I was in the presence of a unicorn. I had mixed feelings about that. I began to laugh. “why are you laughing? this is real!” hailey exclaimed. “ I know.” I slipped in between laughs. “why are you laughing?” Hailey asked. I didn’t know, i think it was a distraction away from the fact that I thought I was going crazy. “Stop.” Hailey told me. I stopped. I wasn’t thinking at all. I guess that wasn’t half bad. Hailey explained what was going on. “So when we touched that amulet it transferred us to this unicorn world and in this world the unicorns kind of rule the world here but they only rule half of the world the other half of the world is ruled by the wolverines but the wolverines fight for this side of the world, and if they succeed in that the unicorns would either be killed, enslaved, or put in prison. So every time the wolverines fight the unicorns have to fight or else they will lose the land, so they try to live in peace and try to keep their young unicorns safe. The wolverines refuse to stop fighting for the land except they choose a week in the year kind of like a peace treaty where they don’t fight and live in peace, until the week is over and then the wolverines strike again. Luckily we came during the peace treaty but unluckily it is almost over. We have two days counting today until the peace time is over so we have to get traveling.” she caught her breath, and sighed.

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