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   Twenty-one-year old Chat Noir sat on a rooftop, stargazing. He didn't really have any better reason to be out as Chat Noir. Ladybug and he had defeated Hawkmoth a year ago.

The two lost contact after that and without a goodbye. He searched and searched for his partner almost every single night, but she was nowhere to be found. There was no trace of his Lady anywhere. He supposed Ladybug didn't have any reason to be out any more. She's probably too busy with her job and a boyfriend.

   Adrien though was living in an apartment by himself (with Plagg of course). He went with the motions of his days. Get up, go to work, return home and go out as Chat Noir for a little bit. He would occasionally stop a petty robbery or whatnot, but it was just never the same without his partner.

   No puns anymore.

   No cracking jokes anymore.

   No "pound its'" anymore.

   Since there was no one to do it with, what was the point anymore? Chat couldn't think of a single reason.

   Once Ladybug disappeared, so did the old Chat Noir self.

   He sighed and looked away from the stars to Paris rooftops. The side of his green eyes caught movement in the distance. He looked over at the shadow jumping from roof to roof.
Chat scrunched his eyes in confusion and decided to follow the figure.

   "No way," he thought in disbelief, vaulting after the shadow all the way to the Eiffel Tower. The person stopped. Chat got as close as possible without the person knowing before he was able to make out who he suspected.

   Ladybug was standing there with her back towards him. She was a little bit taller and hair was longer, placed into a ponytail since the last time he'd seen her. She had her arms in front of her and looking down.

   Without thinking, her name escaped through his lips in disbelief, "Ladybug?"

   The woman froze, standing stiff. Ladybug peeked over her shoulder without turning fully around.

   "Chat Noir?" She replied in disbelief as well. Then, her eyes widened in fear as she looked away and looked to be almost hugging herself.

   Shock melted away into anger, and he growled, "Where have you been?"

   "Chat, this isn't the best time right now. Can we meet tomorrow and-"

   "No! I'm not going to let you run off like you did last time. I want an explanation now!" Chat yelled, cutting her off.

   "Chat, please keep your voice down," Ladybug spoke quietly. He ignored her, yelling, "Why did just leave and disappear?  I thought-"

   The sound of a baby crying interrupted Chat's ranting. The blonde froze, eyes wide with shock. Soon, the wailing ceased, and Ladybug sighed before turning around.

   Cradled in her arms was a baby that looked a couple of months old. A baby carrier wrap was strapped to the woman like wearing and backpack backward. How he didn't notice the straps on Ladybug's back, he had no clue.

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