The Story Begins...

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"Hey Mom, I'm back with the mail. I'm gonna go check on the horses!" Y/N placed the small pile on the counter, before turning back and jogging out the door to the stables. One by one he went through the horses, checking on each one, calming some, soothing others, before finally arriving at the end stall. Inside stood a stallion with a pure black coat, and flame-red mane. "Hey, buddy." The stallion turned it's head at Y/N's voice, moving over to within his reach, leaning it's head down for Y/N to stroke it's neck. "How you doin' Nightfire? Whaddya say we go for a ride, yeah?"

Nightfire nickered at the suggestion, rearing a very small amount as Y/N smiled and opened the stall. Placing his hand on Nightfire's side to let him know where he was, Y/N mounted the horse, feeling Nightfire's muscles already stretching out and warming up from just the simple walk out of the stable. "Let's see if we can't get some good speed outta this ride, yeah buddy?" Nightfire barely had to feel Y/N heels tap his sides before the two broke into a full canter, Y/N smiling wide. He always loved animals, horses in particular, but something about Nightfire struck a chord within him. He felt free from everything when riding Nightfire, especially at high speeds. "Come on, buddy, full speed time!"

    Two pats to Nightfire's shoulder were the only thing that happened before the stallion sped up, the high-speed canter becoming a full gallop. The forest at the edge of the property became a blur, the wind started pressing Y/N's hair into his face, as his smile only grew wider. He slowly sat up from his bent-over position on Nightfire's back, releasing his light hold on the bottom of the horse's mane. Once upright, he threw both hands into the air, laughing and whooping as Nightfire started turning back towards the stable. This was their daily routine. Y/N would finish his chores around the farm for the day, check on the horses, then he and Nightfire would go for a high-speed ride around the edge of the property, returning to the stables after awhile.

     Once the pair reached the stable, Y/N dropped off Nightfire's off-side, leading him to his stall before sitting with him while he ate. "Now that was a good ride, huh, pal? Finally got to sit up at full speed. Get some rest, you've definitely earned it." Leaving Nightfire to rest after the heavy run, Y/N jogged back to the house, where his mother was waiting with an envelope in hand, a delighted expression on her face.

     "Have a good ride with Nightfire?" Y/N nodded, still smiling. "Well, I went through the mail after you dropped it off, and I found something amazing!" Y/N's mother pushed the envelope into his hands. Looking it over, Y/N didn't find anything out of the ordinary, until he saw the emblem on the front. The symbol of Beacon Academy. Shock flooded the teen, as shaky hands opened the letter. Two papers and a smaller envelope were enclosed, each addressed to him.

'To Mr. Y/N Viole,

It is my understanding that you applied to Beacon Academy three months ago. While it's not unheard of for people from your area to apply, it is uncommon. Don't misunderstand, I truly do appreciate that even remote locations have the will to send an application for the academy, it's simply not very often. But on to why you are receiving this letter. It is my pleasure to announce that you have been accepted into Beacon Academy, starting this fall. Also enclosed is Lien for your trip to the mainland, as well as a request form for weapon materials. I hope to see you this fall,

Headmaster Ozpin of Beacon Academy.'

Shock quickly turned to amazement, before Y/N ended up whooping again from the excitement. "I told you it was amazing! I'm so proud of you!" Y/N's mother smothered him in a hug, the teen returning it before the two went inside to celebrate.

And so, our story begins. Don't fret, Nightfire will return in later chapters. The stage is set, the actors are ready, and the show is just beginning.

Meanwhile, underneath Beacon Academy......

"Are you certain he's the one, Ozpin?" The grey-haired man simply looked at the application sent by Y/N, focusing on the picture before a camera feed of a large, red object encased in several layers of bulletproof glass was pulled up.

"Yes. His appearance and past may leave you questioning it, but I'm certain he'll be able to control it."

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