Pilot: Prologue

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I have been stuck in this cell for nearly 7 months and it is driving me insane. I know two of my best friends, Clarke Griffin and Octavia Blake are on the same cell level as me, but I'm pissed off that I can't see them or my boyfriend Bellamy Blake, my brother Finn Collins, or my other best friend Wells Jaha. I miss them all so much. Since I have been in here, all I have of them are memories, and maybe a couple of things I snuck in. From Clarke, the memory that is most frequently at the forefront of my mind is the days we covered the walls of her home with our drawings. Her parents used to get mad, but after a while, they came to like them.

Most of what I have from Octavia are memories. We always used to play together and talked all the time while Bellamy was out training to be a guard. We always stayed in her room, because she was never allowed to go outside. Up here on the Ark, you are only supposed to have one child. But her mother suddenly got pregnant with her. People say she was an accident, but to me and Bell, she is the greatest. I have to be honest, sometimes it was a pain to hide her under the floor when the routine house checks happened. But it was all worth it if she got to survive.

Speaking of Bellamy, most of the memories I have, he is in them. We have been dating since I was 12 and he was 14. But a physical thing I have from him is a locket. It is one the most important things I own. There are two pictures inside. One is of us dancing at the Unity Day party a year before Octavia was found and before I got arrested for assault on ten guards and killing another. The second picture is of us making silly faces at the camera. He is standing behind me with his arms wrapped around my shoulders, making a winking face with his tongue sticking out. I have my hands on his forearms and my chin resting on his hands. My eyes are crossed and my tongue is sticking out too. I remember thinking, "I love him to Earth and back."

Now I know what you are thinking, "How do you have a brother if you aren't allowed to?" Because my mother was married twice. Finn was from her first husband, then she got divorced from him, 2 years later she got married again and I came along. Finn and I were the most troublesome kids on the Ark. We got scolded more times than any other kids ever. He used to go through bins of old scrap metal and make unique little trinkets. He still does. A year before I got arrested, he made me a ring with a crescent moon on top, and I wear it all the time. Same thing with my locket. The only sad thing is, is that I have to hide them from the guards. So I keep my locket tucked under my shirt collar and my ring under my fingertip-less gloves. I never want to lose these items, so I am very diligent and I deal with it. Finn is in the cell level below me. He got arrested for doing an illegal spacewalk. That's probably why people call him Spacewalker. I look a lot like my brother. We share the same dark brown hair, same soft rounded nose, same dorky smile. The only difference is our eyes. He has dark chocolate colored eyes, whereas I have emerald green eyes.

Now Wells, he doesn't have many friends. Reason being is that he is the Chancellors son, and not many people like the Chancellor. It was just me and Clarke for a while, and then Clarkes father got floated and she blames him. So now I am his only friend. We've been friends since we were seven. It's been nine years, and we have been best friends ever since. We've made so many memories over the years. The one that often pops to the front of my mind is when we were lead roles in the Unity Day history play. Being trapped in this cage has made old memories fly to the forefront of my mind as if they just happened yesterday. I can't put into words how much I miss my loved ones.

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