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"Since when did anyone move in across the street?" Your friend, Suki, asks as she shoves a handful of chips in her mouth. You grimace as you watch crumbs  fall in her lap as she chews.

"Jesus Christ, could you be anymore of a mess?" You snatch the bag away and sweep your hand across her skirt, causing the crumbs to fall to the floor. You would have to sweep that up later. She scoffs and snatches the bag back from you. "What crawled up your ass and died?"

You just roll your eyes and take a seat in the window sill across from her, looking across the street to see two men talking as they moved furniture inside.

"To answer your question," you look over at Suki, "These people moved in a couple days ago. Haven't really paid much attention to them if I'm being honest."

You go back to reading your book, trying to concentrate and block out the noises of Suki chewing her chips like a chimp. "You're such a grouch," she giggles and shakes her head, "I would hate to be your neighbor." You just stick your tongue out at her comment.

"Okay, hold the fuck up." You look up with a raised eyebrow at Suki's choice of words and see her staring wide-eyed out the window. Sitting up, you peak over and peer out of the window to see a man across the street thank the movers and tip them before they get in their truck and drive off. He wore a black tank top which was tucked into a pair of plaid pants that were held up by a belt. The shape of his waist was sinful. You were jealous. His dark hair hung a few inches above his shoulders and you saw more of his face come into view as he ran his fingers through his hair. You were too far away so you couldn't really see the details.

"He's mega gorgeous. What the fuck?" She seems to have forgotten about the chips as she sits there, mouth agape with chewed up chips still in there. You reach up and push at her chin, closing her mouth.

"He's okay. I can't really see his face." You go back to reading your book that you had in your lap and Suki turns to look at you like you're crazy.

"What do you mean 'he's okay'? I can just already tell he's gorgeous. The rest of him is fine as shit."

You just giggle at how over dramatic she can be.

It's been a few days since you first saw your new neighbor. You had yet to run into him but you'd be lying if you said you weren't curious. You wanted to at least get a closer look at him, maybe even introduce yourself at some point. Actually, that's what you should do. You should go over and maybe give him a little "welcome to the neighborhood" gift, but what would you give him?

You didn't wanna be cheesy and make him a cake. What if he doesn't like cake?

You place a finger to your chin as you scan everything in your kitchen. Maybe you shouldn't go out of your way and cook for him. He might have an allergy or just not like something. You groan and finally decide to just introduce yourself and hurry on back home.

You quickly throw an oversized hoodie on, not bothering with pants because it reached mid thigh anyway. You pull the hair tie from your hair and run your fingers through it before you slip on a pair of sandals.

It was currently around 8 pm and the sun was barely peaking over the horizon. Maybe the timing wasn't quite right but there's no way he'd be asleep this early, but then again you didn't know him.

You walk up the driveway, taking in the view of his matte black mustang. As you get closer to the front door, you notice the lights are still on inside, thank god. It would be embarrassing if you ended up waking him up, possibly making him hate you for life.

You knock three times and step back a little, shoving your hands in the pocket of your hoodie.

When he opens the door you almost choke. He was wearing probably the tightest muscle tee you've ever seen, his muscles looking like they were about to burst through the fabric. He had a simple pair of grey joggers and his hair was pulled up in a small pony tail.

Your eyes were probably bulging out of your head. He was gorgeous. Maybe even too gorgeous. You felt a sense of panic wash over you because you weren't expecting him to look so intimidating.

"Can I help you?"

Your eyes snap up to his face and you pull your hands from the pockets, slightly playing with your fingers.

"Oh h-hi," you mentally curse yourself for stuttering. "Sorry if I'm bothering you. Um, I'm your neighbor. My name is y/n and I just wanted to introduce myself because I noticed you're new to the neighborhood."

If only things couldn't get worse, he smiles and you almost faint. He holds his hand out to you and introduces himself, "I'm Jungkook."

You look down at his hand and notice the veins popping out on his skin. As weird as it may sound, he had pretty fingers. The bracelet he wore on his wrist also made his hand look even more attractive.

Heat rises to your face as you place your hand in his, it practically being swallowed.

He pulls away and leans against the door frame, crossing one leg over the other.

Shit, his thighs-

"Do you wanna come in?"

His question catches you off guard and you quickly look back up at his face, noticing the smirk that took place on his lips.

Fuck, he definitely caught you checking him out.

You just let out a nervous laugh and slowly back away. "Maybe another time. I'll get back with you on that. I think I'm gonna head to bed actually."

He just nods, the smirk still there and you give a small wave before practically sprinting back to your house.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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