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"Yo! Acorn!"

Acorn-or more widely known as Evan Hansen-turned to face the source of the call. He froze when his eyes landed on the infamous Jared Kleinman. "So are we ever going to talk shit out, or do you just want to go back to wallowing in misery and self doubt?" Jared sneered, casually placing his hand into the pocket of his jeans. "You--" "Want to be friends again?" He cocked a brow, as if Evan had asked the worlds most obvious question. Evan paused for a moment, fiddling with the bottom of his shirt. "You mean family friends?" He muttered out. Jared shook his head.

Evan started to shake, tears glistening on his sad eyes. "Y-You r-re-really want to be f-friends ag-gain?" He stuttered out. "Yeah, I just sai-" Before the shorter male could finish his thought, Evan ran over to him and crushed him in a hug. "I'm so sorry, I'm sorry" Jared let his eyes traveled down to Evan. The tall blonde's face still buried into the shorter brunette's chest, spewing out apologies through tears. Jared wrapped his arms around Evan. "I'm so sorry" "I know." I'm such an idiot" Evan gripped Jared tighter. Jared ran a hand through Evan's hair, not really knowing what to do. Evan looked up at Jared, sniffling quietly. "I know, Hansen." Jared smiled, not a sneer or smirk, a real smile. Evan looked into Jared's eyes. They were a murky sea green, but had a small pool of brown in the left eye. Evan searched for a hint of being insincere, or malice, but he found nothing. The look his friend (it felt nice to finally be able to say friend, but a pit in his stomach made him feel like something was...missing.) gave him was nothing short of loving; Withholding a sort of pure fondness that cannot be faked, or replicated in a movie.

Only in that moment, when tears stained his cheeks, and dampened Jared's shirt. Only in the moment when his hands still delicately threaded through his blonde hair, and he let Evan see that look of pure fondness and love. Only in that moment Had Evan noticed how soft Jared's lips looked, and Evan wondered why he wished to lean in, to..kiss Jared

Only in that moment had Evan Hansen realized he was in love with Jared Kleinman.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2020 ⏰

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