Chapter 1: Flashback and present day

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(Thanos sits down, accepts defeat and is snapped by iron man)
(Falcon and Hawkeye are in a room)

Falcon: you think that it's over, but when you really see it, you realise some other tyrant is going to come out of nowhere and kill ya

Hawkeye: relax

(Suddenly, they look out the window and realise a giant sword is hovering above their city)

(Spider-man is in a lab)

Spider-man: and just press this...

(Then, a bunch of particles slam together and create...)

Spider-man: stark!

Iron man: what happened? Wasn't I killed?

Spider-man: long stor-

(Then a blue laser comes out of nowhere and obliterates spider-man)

Iron man: noooooo!


(A long, dark and futuristic corridor leads to a chair, the wrong way round)

???: you will say your last words, prisoner

(Spider-man forms on the deck of the ship)

Spider-man: yes, master

(The chair turns around and reveals to be...)

Kang the conqueror: yes. Mwahahahahaha!

(Spider-man disappears)

Kang the conqueror: now I just nee-

(The door at the edge of the ship opens)

Kang the conqueror: come on!

(It reveals a woman dresses in a green suit of armour with robotic claws)

Kang: we meet again

???: yes. I am going to destroy you once and for all!

Kang: please be quiet, Ravonna

(Kang takes out a futuristic gun and blasts her, making a ton of rock fall onto her and crush her)

Kang: there. Nobody who wants to kill me because we had a troubled past

(Kang disappears)

Avengers: time storm (work in progress)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora