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Centuries of carefully avoiding one another, eventually running into each other, and then forging some sort of half-gleaned arrangement - Brett learned that with all his innate goodness for everything, he could act too cordially towards the hereditary enemy. Well, only for one in particular. And he knew Eddy felt the same for him, although he expressed it differently.

They realized it was inevitable, having the same fixated interest in humanity, well now, particularly on one aspect. One very manifestation of human creativity and genius: the beautiful embellishment of time, these oscillations made coherent and sensible to the ear, music...stringing all things together in ways more than one.

Or, alternatively:

Brett as an angel and Eddy as a demon, their long shared history of fraternizing, and their desperate attempts at thwarting the End of the World.

(Involving an interestingly prodigious anti-anti-Christ, a world-record deceiving televangelist, an exposed Korean pop star, the endlessly practicing genius who insists on a 40-hours-a-day practice cycle and the tiger mom who insists on honing her child's holistic excellence, and many more.)

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