Take me back

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On that night. That wonderful, pure night. I remember it clear as day.

The night we met.
What a wonderful feeling that was.
It was like waking up from a haze, or taking my first ever breath.
Seeing you was enough to trigger all this.
From across the room, I met your gaze.
And walked over.
We talked, danced, and kissed.
It was only a few hours that all this occurred but it felt like forever. Forever in your presence.
Your life filled me up.
We got together, announced the big news.
We made friends together.
We comforted each other.
We danced, laughed and fought.
But we never separated
We were bonded by something more than us.
And then
You fell sick.
So So sick.
Your coughs filled the night.
They filled me with fear and dread.
And loath for whatever was hurting you.
That killer inside you.
Then one day, I came home
And found you on the floor.
I don't remember much after that. Just, tears
So many tears
Falling to the ground and cradling your cold body.
I feel like time moved faster after that. The next thing I remember is your funeral
That feeling of closing the lid on your coffin is one no one could ever explain
It felt ending
That's the closest I can get to explaiming it.
I just want to remember before all this
All this sickness and death and sadness
I just want to go back
Back in time
To the very first time
We ever met
And our world's collided
And when your life filled me up
And when we made friends together and when we comforted each other
Please, I'll even relive the fights.
I just want to see you again
Take me back to that wonderful, pure night.
Take me back to the night we met.

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