Dolphin Cannibalism

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Meo:UGHHHHHH IM SO HUNGRY! Yoki:Well, what ya gonna do about it? Meo:Resort to cannibalism. Yoki:Ok. WAIT WHAT?! Meo:We need to tell Vick about this. I just want him to know its not his fault if I eat him. Meo and Yoki: Swim to Vick's cave. Vick: Hi guys! What do you want? Meo:I resorted to cannibalism. Vick:Classic. I know your joking. [Laughs weakly] Right? Meo: If you think I'm joking... [Eats Yoki, trying to swallow him whole] Vick: I NEED TO WARN THE REST OF THE DOLPHINS! Meo: [Also tries to eat Vick at the same time] Meo: [Eats Vick and Yoki] OH THANK GOODNESS IM NOT HUNGRY ANYMORE!

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