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May 11th, xxxx
7:47 a.m
???? City

The day started innocuously enough.

Usual hustle and bustle of city:
Watching random pedestrians screeching at each other over being cut off at Kirk Square, an out-of-towner getting scammed by a fella in a cheap dog costume, an ice cream vendor trying to push his "Xtreme Chocolate" and stay in business despite everybody knowing he wouldn't last the week, himself included. Pretty standard.

Moseying down the sidewalk, I simply took it all in. The wonderful, curious city I lived in. I gripped my briefcase as tightly as I could, to the point where it felt as though I could never let go of it.
Walking to my office, I started to pass by the Ol' River. Quite a specimen. I found it kind of surprising how little pollution resided there. Not a bit of grime or even a discarded cup.

I then realized.... something seemed....off.

The sky appeared as though it stopped moving.....

In fact, quite a lot of things appeared as though they stopped moving. The sky, pedestrians, cars, everything....

Everything except the water in Ol' River.

I couldn't feel anything. I entered a state of, not paralysis, but something akin to it. Internally I felt like screaming for help, and I tried my best, but unfortunately the frantic yelling stayed in my own head.

As I tried to gather my bearings, a small, almost imperceptible ring began to find its way into the back of my head. It crept, like an infestation, all along my skull, until it almost blared in my ears. That insurmountable, unexplainable noise held firm in my mind for what seemed an eternity.

Even in this state of misery, I could still perceive something in my peripheral vision. From what I could grasp, it seemed like a rescue helicopter. Its lush red paint glistened in the stagnant sunlight, and though its propellers made little sound, their moving at all became a welcome sign in this frozen world...

I then noticed it.

A....thing... clinging to the back end of the coptor.

From what I noted in my strained vision, it appeared utterly massive, massive enough to grip the tail rotor as if it were a mere child's plaything. Its skin held a color I could not describe as anything but a crime against nature. The creature possessed no mouth, eyes, head, or even a body; Simply a large distended mass, covered in wavy spines and with five wretched tentacles directing the vehicle down near the surface of the river....

Suddenly, the creature and the coptor both vanished, and the world started moving again. As though it never stopped in the first place. The pedestrians continued their frantic screeching, the vendor peddled his wares, and no one seemed to notice or even care that an otherworldly creature hijacked reality and took control of a rescue helicopter.

I simply stood in stunned silence.

Was this a dream... A hallucination?

Or perhaps....

And in my period of reflection, the world began to rapidly fall apart.

Or more accurately, be taken apart by not just one creature, but hundreds.

The buildings, cars, and even people started rapidly crumbling against the massive force of the creatures' tentacles. Piece by piece, they disassembled everything. No one screamed. No one resisted. It simply occured. Even the sun itself became a mass of shimmering blocks.

And at last, one of them placed their hands against my skull. The tentacles felt warm, almost pulsating, and unlike any feeling I ever experienced before.

They began to twist.

I slowly started to lose conciousness as as reality became a blur.

I heard a foul, booming voice call out:

"Let's get this wrapped up, people! We got ten more to film in the next week!"

And with that, I drifted off into that infinite sleep, waiting for whatever life my new cosmic overlords decided fitting for me next....


Good evening, fellow humans! Glad to see you took an interest enough in my first story to make it here! I'm actually a pretty big fan of Horror, but more specifically Cosmic Horror; I felt like this would be a pretty good start to my Wattpad career, all things considered. Feedback is always welcome, though! Have a lovely Groundhog Day (or just day in general)!
- Manuello E. Allyun

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2020 ⏰

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