The New Suits

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a.n. Hey guys, tanks for reading this, so some info

*= in thought

I'm using a computer and my phone for this but mostly a computer for writing, this is the first book after I deleted my other books, sorry if you like them. I did not really like them that much. Thank you so much for reading this. ON TO THE STORY!!!

                                                                            ~~~Morgans p.o.v.~~~

*Okay, now to finish some of the suits after I eat some food... I wonder if mom is up? Well if she is then I could ask her for some help on getting the suits to look like dads. hopefully she remembers how the inside of the mask looks when it is in use. Never mind, i'm just going to get dressed, eat, and start working. I wonder if dad was like this?*

 I get up and get my regular rock t-shirt that was once dads, he used to wear it when he was working, so why not just use it like he did. i get the t-shirt on and put on some old jeans and a beat on. I put on my watch and tell F.R.I.D.A.Y to start the coffee maker. I walk down the stairs to see mom sitting at her desk on her computer doing her work. I walk by and gave her a hug and a kiss on her cheek. I noticed she was tired, shes has dark bags under her bright blue eyes. I get my hot coffee and start to walk down to the lab to do the rest of the designs on the suits. I stop and look at mom and she had fell asleep on her desk. I went up to her and carried her to the couch and covered her up with her favorite blanket. I went down stairs to the lab and started on the suit. As soon as I got down there, the lab lights were already on *I thought I turned off the lights last night, mom might have came down here to get something.* I walk to my main desk and set down my coffee cup and sit down. I then notice there is a tall black man in all black and has a eye patch over his left eye. I look closely at him and try to remember who he was.

 *I've seen him somewhere before, but where?* I ask myself and then he starts to walk close to me. I reach out my hand and the hand piece of the suit fly's over to me and covers my right hand and forearm. I then aim at him and start to think of how he got into the house, and down into my lab that had auto-lock on all of the doors.

"You don't need to worry about me Miss Morgan, im here to ask you a few question, if that fine with you" He looks at me with his one eye like there was no choice to talk to him. I nodded and sat down and motioned for him to sit in the chair close to my desk. He sits for a moment just looking at my designs for the new suits. I swipe my hand and made the designs disappear from the 3-D desktop. I look back at him and he is looking back at me.

"So, you re-designed your fathers suits a little to fit you. Impressive, I never thought Stark's kid would continue his work. Why?" He ask while looking at you with a serious impression, then you remember who he was. He is Nick Fury, or know as Director Fury. I smile a little and he smiles back.

"Well sir, I wish to know why your in my lab, but you are the head of S.H.E.I.L.D and you are one of the people that my father knew and worked with, so I guess I have to answer your question first." I smile at the thought of my dad, and look at Fury and he looks a little worried but i push that thought out of the way for the moment to answer his question.

"I'm doing this to continue the Iron-man legacy. I want to be like my father, and even though i'm almost 15, i'm almost as smart as him and i know how to work on the suits. I know how to fly, and fight in the suit, and out of the suit. I'm trying to become my father, but it's hard to do that when I never really knew him, he died when I was 4. But i can look at all the footage that F.R.I.D.A.Y. kept and I can see the data that he created for his suits. I can also go back into the the footage and see him fighting in the fights that he was in with Cap. and the rest of the Avengers." I say with confidence then realize that the rest of the Avengers were all over the lab looking at me and Director Fury. I look over at Thor and give a small smile to let him know that I know that they are all there. He smiles back and nods back to me, I notice that Loki is by Thor's side staring right at me. I smile at him and he nods to me and smiles at me *Wow, I thought Loki was a bad person, I don't know, he might just be acting nice*

I then feel a small poke on my shoulder, but it was so light that most people wouldn't think anything about it. I smile a little to myself and quickly but lightly grab Ant-Man off my shoulder.

"Nice try Scott, but I could feel you when your moving, try a little better to get me. Oh, and why are the avengers in my lab?" I smile at Scott and put him on the ground so he could change back into his normal size. I look at everyone that is now behind Director Fury, then I then look back at Fury.

"Morgan, we would like to know if you would like to take your father's spot on the team, you would be one of the captains for the team. We all talked about this and we agree that you should be on the team to be the new Tony Stark." He says seriously and all I could this about is mom *what would she think, she was so sad that dad passes the way that he did, but she was proud of him*

"What would mom think about this, would she let me take dads spot on the team basically right after dad dies on the team 10 years ago?" I ask knowing that I was making a point to him.

"We already talked to Pepper, she said that you can, but you have to behave and do what you have to do and be safe on the jobs. So, are you in Morgan?" He ask me and I don't hesitate to answer.

"Yes, I will join, for dad." I say standing and look at everyone and smiles. "When do I start?"

a.n. Thanks guys for reading, hope you guys like it so far. I'm going to be working on the next chapter tomorrow. Please vote and Comment what you think.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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