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Yuya walked into school, feeling like today was gonna be a much better day.
“Alright Yuya, you can do this..Just don't make a huge fool out of yourself....” he said to himself as he entered the building

Sora had just finished his lolipop before looking over and seeing Yuya before rolling his eyes.
“Why does he always talk to himself? And why does he act like he's something so special?” Sora said before pulling another lolipop out of his pocket before tearing off the wrapper and popping it into his mouth

“Hey Sora, can I ask you something I know we hate eachother and everything but this question is important.” Yuya said as he looked into Sora's eyes
Sora sighed before looking at Yuya.
“What Sakaki? Can't you see I'm a little busy here I don't have time for someone so insignificant as you.” Sora said before taking another lick of his lolipop
Yuya sighed before saying.
“Has class started yet? That's what I wanted to ask..” Yuya said before looking down at the ground shyly
Sora rasied an eyebrow before nodding.
“Yes classes started an hour ago we're currently in second hour now, I just don't feel like going to class so I'm just gonna stand right here at the entrance of the school eating my lolipops but if you wanna go to class be my guest.” Sora finished

Yuya was so late, how could he have overslept he felt if he could hurry up and rush to his class he could easily be able to attend the last 10 minutes of class.
“Thank you Sora, I'll be on my way!” Yuya said before disappearing around the nearestby corner
Sora looked up before sighing and taking another lick of his lolipop.
“Oh Yuya..If only you knew the truth..”

Problem (Candyshipping) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن