Ghosts - Meet Arrow

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 (Author's note. This is current time, so Roy has been dubbed Arsenal and Dean has the Mark etc. Since the Arrow/Flash crossover event is next week I figured I would throw the boys in for fun. I hope you enjoy.) 

Oliver shouted, “Arsenal, around back!”

“On it,” Roy replied as Oliver speed shot three arrows at the flickering images of brutalized people in front of them.

“What the hell?” Dig asked as one of Oliver's arrows went right through the image which faded only to reappear again directly in front of him and the temperature plummeted.

Oliver watched as Dig tried to block, then screamed in pain when the image touched Dig's head causing him to crumple to his knees.

“No!” Roy shouted, “Arrows are useless.” He grabbed an iron pipe from off the floor of the abandoned building and threw it at the shadowy thing that was in front of Dig. The pipe flew through the ghostly apparition and it howled in pain and disappeared. Oliver looked down, spotted another pipe, grabbed it and in a matter of seconds dispatched the other two images and rushed back to Dig's side.

“What happened?” He asked as he crouched down and braced Dig who was cradling his head in his hands and panting in pain.

“I...I don't know. Cold, so cold.”

Oliver put his shoulder under Dig's right arm and Roy took the left side. “Can you stand? Those things might come back.”

Dig slowly nodded and shifted his weight, they helped him stand, Oliver's eyes kept checking the shadows as they walked back to Dig's car.

“I'm good now,” Dig said as he took all his own weight, freeing up Roy and Oliver, “I think. I've never felt anything like that before. It felt like being electrocuted and flash frozen at the same time.”

Oliver looked at Roy, the mask and the hood concealed most of his face but Oliver saw enough, “What were those things?” Roy asked. “They came out of nowhere.”

“I don't know,” Oliver conceded, “But I know some guys that will.”

“Think Dean will let me drive Baby again?” Dig asked, a small smile on his face.

Oliver grinned in return. “If you ask nice enough, he just might. Felicity?” 
“Making the call,” Felicity's voice came over the earpieces. The phone rang twice and a groggy Sam answered.



“Who's this?”

“Oh sorry,” Oliver turned off the device that disguised his voice. “It's Oliver.”

“Hey,” Recognition registered in Sam's voice, “Something going on in Starling? I doubt a 3am call from you is because you missed us.”

“Yeah, this may be up your alley. Where are you guys at?”

“About a day's drive,” Sam chuckled, “Oddly enough we were heading your way. There's been all these weird things happening in Central City. We were going to call you tomorrow and see if you knew anything about it.”

“Oh, yeah,” Oliver smiled at the thought of Sam and Dean meeting Barry, “The Streak, he's not up your alley. Neither are the other oddities going on over there. Look up an accident that happened about 10 months ago at STAR labs. Let's just say science had unexpected effects on people.”

“Uh, okay,” Sam replied, “Guess that clears those questions then. So, what's up?”

“There's been some reports of people getting attacked by ghosts. People they lost in the Undertaking. No one's been killed, yet, but there's been more and more reports. We decided to look into it and were sweeping The Glades when three apparitions came out of nowhere. Arrows and bullets went right through them, a cast iron pipe seemed to make an impact though. One of them touched Dig and he went down. He's fine but he said it hit him with intense cold. I was thinking this may be something you two would want to take a look at.”

He heard a shuffling sound through the phone, and a grumpy, “What?” in the background. “Dean, wake up,” Sam said, “Yeah, that sounds like our type of thing. Sorry Oliver, you'll need to trade in your arrows for salt shells. You could make your arrows old school style out of pure iron if you wanted to, or dip them in salt I guess.”

“So you think they are actual ghosts?”

“Sounds like. Dean and I will get going here in a few and see you guys tomorrow some time. Have Felicity put together everything from the other...”

“What's your email?” Felicity's voice chimed in.

“Hi Felicity,” Sam said.

“Hey Sam. I have them all ready to send to you.”

“Course you do.” Oliver could hear the smile in Sam's voice. “Send them to ghostkillerbaby10 at gmail. We'll go through them before we leave. In the meantime Oliver, iron and salt are your new best friends. My suggestion, stay away till we get there. Up to you guys though.”

“Thanks for the tips. See you guys soon.”

“Sure thing.”

Oliver hung up and looked at Roy, his face had grown pale.

“Ghosts are real? Who are those guys?”

“Yes and long story,” Oliver answered. “We don't have the tools or training for this. May as well wait till they get here. We'll fill you in when we're back inside.”


 “That's impossible!” Roy spluttered while he changed out of his Arsenal attire.

Dig sat down next to Felicity, “Have you met Barry Allen?”

“Yeah, but that was science. Demons? Angels? Ghosts? Those are just stories.”

Oliver finished pulling on a long sleeved shirt to go with his sweats and started idly punching the heavy bag. “I used to think that too, but they're not. Trust me. If Castiel makes another appearance he will wipe all doubt from your mind on that one.”

Felicity spun her chair around to face everyone, “Sam emailed back. They are on the way now. He said how these ghosts are appearing are different than what they have seen before. It's not the anniversary of the Undertaking and in general ghosts don't usually appear in different areas one right after another like this. They think someone may be summoning them. I am trying to collect traffic cam footage and see if anyone stands out that was by these places before the ghosts showed up. Needle in a haystack time I guess.”

“Great,” Oliver replied. He looked at Roy who was still trying to process the entirely new reality Oliver had thrust at him.

“So, these guys, Sam and Dean. They hunt these things? Why?”

“It was something they were born into,” Dig replied, an odd note of regret in his voice, “They've had some rough times but they're good guys. You can trust them.”

“It's not that Dig,” Roy said, “I just, I mean, I don't really get it.”

Oliver noticed Felicity had started to shake, “Felicity?” 

She shook her head, “I'm fine. There's things in this world Roy, things that are truly evil. Not evil people evil, but pure evil. Sam and Dean, they fight them. What we do here, it's nothing compared to what those two have done. Trust me. We saved a city, they have saved more than that.” She turned back to her computers, took a deep breath and started typing, the sound of her keys barely filling the silence that followed her words. 

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