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Michael's POV

It's been 3 months since the accident. She's still not waking up. The doctor said that there's a small chance that she'll wake up again but I'll risk that small chance and wait for her to wake up.

Greg died on the accident not really care about it cause he's the reason why Zoe's not waking up right now. I watch her almost lifeless body, almost healed wound around her body, dry lips and pale skin.

The view of this always makes me tear up. For the 2nd time I can't able to protect her. Im sorry Zoe I just watched him drag you away from me.

I held her small hand to mine keeping it warm a bit. The beeps from the machine is all you can hear in the room. I kissed her hand like it's the most fragile thing in the world.

"Babe, if you can hear me I just wanna let you know that I'll wait for you to wake up and come back to me again. I'll wait whatever happens, I'm not letting you go. Never" I've been crying every single day hoping that she wake up.

I always tell her that people misses her and waiting for her to wake up so we can go on with our lives and be happy cause that's what she deserves.

I told her the other day that the band are doing great and there's a chance that we'll go on tour with one direction. It's a good news but I can't leave Zoe here alone. I just can't.

I wanna be the first person she'll see when she wakes up. I'm not going any where I'll stay. I stood up from the chair beside her bed and pick up the guitar to play some songs to her hoping she'll wake up when she hear it.

I started to strum on my guitar playing the song I wrote for her.

Take me back to the middle of nowhere back to the place only you and I share
Remember all the memories
The fire flies and make believe

Kicking back to the old school yard
Singing songs in our guitar
This is our reality
Crazy stupid you and me

We know this is the way it supposed to be...

The memory of us having road trips and going to our favorite spot comes to my mind. When I sing songs to her and making her smile and happy everytime she hears me sing and play.

So we're taking the long way home
Cause I don't wanna be wasting my time alone
I wanna get lost and drive forever with you
Talking about nothing yea whatever baby
So we're taking the long way home

This is the long run. She'll be the last girl I'll ever love and taking the long way home so we can be together as much as we want.


I woke up feeling hungry and it's currently 3 in the morning. I scratch my eyes trying to wake them up. I got up from the sofa and decided to get something from the vending machine.

A granola bar can help with my hunger. I bought 2 and a cup of coffee.  I took a sip of hot coffee and go back to Zoe's room. I opened the door and I saw her... She's awake now.

I put down what I'm holding and immediately run towards her. She look around the room finally meeting my gaze. Those brown eyes, after 3 months I finally can see them again.

"babe, I'm here. Thank God you're awake!" I said bursting into tears. I'm so relieved that she's awake now. I held her hand and kiss them. She didn't say anything but to look at me.

"how are you feeling? Are you thirsty?  Hungry?" she took her hand away from me and look at me like she doesn't know me.

"W-who are you?" my breaks into million pieces when those words came out to her mouth.


Short update!! I wrote this while waiting at the hospital LMAO. I'll try to update more chapters soon!

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