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【 Pricked 】
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You want my soul? You can have it. Take all that exists within me and tear it apart. Whatever it is you desire, make it yours. However, I should warn you: I am poisonous. Becoming acquainted with me is not necessarily a favorable idea, for I will end up bringing you down with me. It is in my nature to destroy, to ruin what could be. And, of all the times I had only the slightest hope that maybe, one day, things might change, the past repeated itself yet again, leaving me exactly where I started. No longer did I relish in the idea of happiness, or dream of a light at the end of the tunnel, because that is the one dream I cannot make come true. My life is quite like a rose bush: luscious at first sight, yet dangerous underneath. Once you pick a flower, the deadly daggers along the stem will have already torn at your skin. There is no way around such an injury; with all beauty must first come a beast. If you want me, take me. But, you must be willing to endure all of me, because you will be pricked by my thorns someday. - ☸

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