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It was the summer of 1959, Michelle was a 44-year-old woman, not so tall, thin but very shapely. Blue sky eyes and long unmanageable brown hair, often picked up by a pencil in a bun. Sunny but at the same time very rigid and austere looking because of her work as a journalist, but above all because of her not so simple relationship with men. She has several unfinished relationships behind her, precisely because of her very proud and independent nature. One day she decided to treat herself to a trip, far from the cold and gloomy Glasgow, a city to which she had been linked since birth, to pull the plug from her grey desk job. She chose Capri, a small island in southern Italy, so famous for good food, art, beautiful people but above all for the sea. Despite her being very strict, she loved the sea, she could spend hours and hours listening to the sound of the waves while enjoying a wonderful sunset on the horizon. The time to pack her bags and say goodbye to her parents and she was ready. It was the first time she was traveling alone and she was very agitated, but inside she felt something new was born, a real turning point for the first time in her life. She was leaving her past behind. She was free.

The journey was very long and the only thing Michelle could do was to daydream, as she scrutinizing the night sky, her arrival on the island.. She had brought a small dictionary with her, so she could settle down once she arrived on land.

"Buongiorno!", "Grazie mille, "Dov'è il bagno?", "Buonasera!" she kept repeating aloud in her cabin, clumsily imitating the Italian accent, at the cost of being taken for crazy.

After several days of navigation, a very deafening voice woke her up: "PROSSIMO ATTRACCO: CAPRI", then taken by emotion (but also by sleep) she looked out the porthole, remaining completely speechless, she had arrived, she could not believe it. So she took all her things and ran towards the door that slowly lowered. And there she was, Capri, just as beautiful as they had described. As she got off the ship, she asked for information to get to her hotel called "Dolce Vita", which was very difficult to pronounce, because no one on the island understood her. Fortunately, after several attempts she managed to arrive at her destination.

- "Buongiorno! (the one and only word she could actually pronounce), I have a room booked under the name of Miss Gomez."
- "Yes, miss, please follow me this way.""

Accompanied by the boy at the reception, she went up to her room and after putting down her suitcases and closing the door, Michelle let herself go and the first thing she did was to take off her hat, lean gently on the bed and open the windows. Her deep blue eyes lit up at the sight of the sea while her face was warmed by the tender rays of the sun. She felt free and strangely happy, it hadn't happened to her in a long time. After a breath of fresh air she immediately decided to change her travel clothes and put on a white dress, tight at the waist and puffy sleeves, with small blue flowers on top that perfectly matched the color of her eyes, a straw hat with a bow tied to her face and her inevitable red lipstick. She ran down the stairs of the hotel to immerse herself in the streets of colourful Capri. Walking along the lanes she was inebriated by the scent of the beautiful flowers displayed on the balconies but above all by the exquisite smells that came from the kitchens of the restaurants. When she arrived on the seafront she noticed the reflections of the sailboats on the crystal clear sea, each of them had a different colour. While she was admiring the light waves crashing on the rocks, her gaze was captivated by a boat in particular: it was all white and at the helm there was a woman, she must have been more or less the same age, with a porcelain face and features so delicate as to resemble a goddess. But what struck Michelle the most was the wonderful hair that caressed her face, red, like the shades of a sunset. Michelle was completely hypnotized by it, in fact she felt a strange tingling in her legs, thinking she was about to faint, her hands were shaking and instinctively she carried them straight to her chest and felt her heart go crazy.

"What's happening to me?" It's a woman. Just a woman" she asked herself and continued "a beautiful...woman"

But a sudden noise of broken glass turned her gaze away from that divine creature, taking her definitively into the real world. She had bumped into the guy in the bar who was carrying a tray full of glasses.

-"Oh my God, I'm sorry, mi scusi, I really didn't mean to..."
- "Ma che diavolo! But look where you're going!" the Italian boy exclaimed.

As she was trying to make up for her disasters, she glanced straight out to sea in search of that woman, but nothing, the only thing she could see in passing was the name of the boat: "MIRANDA".

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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