Motivational Figure

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Once on a beautiful Saturday evening, A Beautiful and stunning woman, Whose name was Creasha, was in the middle of a meeting with a bunch of her coworkers and once the meeting was over she left the workplace and decided to go home. Once She got home, she decided to change into something comfortable and see what was going on with her friends and followers. When she got one her phone, a bunch of her followers were asking her personal life questions and asked her for help and that's what she did. One at a time, she answered their questions saying, " All y'all need to do is be yourself and just ignore the hate and discrimination, don't let those who are against you get you down, instead of doing that, y'all should stand strong and fight back if you have to but most importantly just worry about yourselves and listen to those that love and support you and become a better person than the haters, stay strong my lovely followers and I love you all." Once she said all of that, she decided to go to sleep and get ready for the next day. Once morning struck, She decided to get dressed and head to work, but what she didn't realize was that she was about to run into some trouble at her workplace. Once she got there, she saw a bunch of random people yelling and discriminating against a lesbian couple and decided to step in. Once she stepped in, she said, "Now y'all listen to me, y'all are saying that this lovely couple is an abomination to this world and should die, well let me tell you something, this lovely couple is a wonderful gift on this planet and shouldn't be discriminated against but should be loved equally compared to a straight couple, now apologize and leave before I call the cops and get y'all arrested for abrupt behavior and discrimination" then the random people left and the couple said, "thank you ma'am,  that made our day and you should be proud and be a motivational speaker to help others like us and those that are in pain and suffering,  so there will be no more pain in this world" then they walked off and the woman walked into work smiling and proud of herself. Once the day was over, she headed home and decided to write a book titled " The Myth of the Silver-Haired Lady and the Red Dress" so she could show the world some inspiration and show whoever is going through any type of pain that she's been through pain as well but wants to help others become strong and free people who start fresh new lives. After writing her story which took her awhile to write, she decided to send it in to one of her publishers and waited for a response back. So during the time she was waiting, she decided to go out and speak publicly and inspire others to follow their dreams and become amazing people which they already were. This woman will forever be known as the Queen of Inspiration to everyone around the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2020 ⏰

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