I Told You So

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I really hope that you find happiness and that book you write's magnificent and I won't help but stare at every word, it would burn holes in many matresses after I place it down, read in full that lovely little book titled, "I Told You So". Yeah, you're Thoreau-ly mad at me and that sucks 'cause I don't think I'm gonna change, I think I'll get way worse, at best stay the same so you'll be fucking world renowned.

While I'm getting drunk at my house, thinking about the dumb words I said when I was a bit too high. Those two pills I took felt very nice but made me break your lovely little heart. And I said,"Ashley, that's so fucking dumb. To think that life just hands some book that you barely have to write. It's gonna take like four or five bad books none of you would ever like for you to live this wonderful life". And she stopped and she cried, that night, and she's right. She's gonna write her book that's gonna make me look like a fool.

And I know that you'll find happiness and her book will be magnificent and I won't help but stare at every word, it would burn holes in many matresses after I place it down, read in full that lovely little book, titled, "I Told You So". Yeah, you're Thoreau-ly mad at me and that sucks 'cause I don't think I'm gonna change, I think I'll get way worse, at best stay the same. So I will sit and I will drink myself to either sleep or my untimely death, either way, I hope that you don't cry, you know? It's just a part of life. Derek's father and my father know cirrhosis is a tough way to go so when we drink a lot after our show pretending that we're not even scared at all. Genetics are what make me go to bed because there's something that's inside my head that could click and make me drink until I'm dead and Derek's dad and my dad, he was done so I'll sit and I'll think about this new life and if I even like it, but I know that I'm gonna find a little bit of happiness, I think it's in my house or somewhere else but I'm turning over every stone and I will search the fucking depths of this weird, weird place, my kids will have to live in order just to smile a little bit. But you know, I'm thoroughly in love with you and that sucked 'cause I don't think I was gonna change, I think I'll get way worse, at best stay the same so I hope you go and find happiness.

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