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THE COLD WATER felt nice against y/n's skin

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THE COLD WATER felt nice against y/n's skin. she sat next to sadie on the curb of her pool, their feet hanging as they felt the nice water.

it had been about a month since y/n and timmy came back from california. and it had been around two to three months since y/n last saw boris. he was long gone.

"can't believe you're getting married." sadie said.

"i'm not. look just because he gave me a promise ring doesn't actually mean that we're getting married now. it'll probably be when i'm like twenty three or something." y/n smiled as she looked over at sadie.

"he's so sweet. can't believe there's actually nice guys out there."

"i know right. god, i've never been so in love before."

"must seem nice."

"hey you'll someday find your love. i know it, there has to be a guy out there who loves you, i mean who wouldn't? you're perfect."

"if i was perfect, every guy would love me."

"who says they don't?"

sadie giggled as she shoved y/n. "you're such a liar."

"am not."

"are so."

they continued to giggled until they heard theo opened the screen door, running towards them. he looked out of breath.

"hi theo.."

"he's back."

"who is?" y/n asked.

"boris. and he looks almost dead. common!" theo yelled as he watched y/n and sadie stand up, water dripping onto the hot concrete floor.

y/n, sadie, and theo ran to boris's house. they opened the door and walked inside, seeing boris on the floor, passed out.

"holy shit, what happened?" sadie asked.

"dunno, i saw him get kicked out of a car, and then pass out on his front porch. and i helped him inside."

y/n walked towards him, kneeling down. she touched his face, which was covered in blood and bruises. "boris, can you hear me? it's me, y/n."

y/n waited for a response but didn't get any. as she kept her hands on his face, she heard him quietly groan. y/n smiled. "it's okay love, i've got you. sadie go get me towels! theo, a bucket of water and some alcohol!"

the two then rushed around the house as they looked for supplies. y/n brushed boris's hair, only to see him slightly open his eyes.

"shh it's okay, you're going to be okay." y/n whispered. "i'm here."

sadie and theo brought the supplies as they sat down besides y/n. y/n moved boris's head onto her lap. she grabbed the towel and poured alcohol onto the towel and began to clean his wounds.

"can you check for other wounds?" y/n asked.

the two then lifted boris's pants and saw cuts and more bruises.

"he's got cuts." theo said.

"help me clean them." y/n replied as she softly cleaned blood off boris's nose.

after the three were done, they laid boris on his couch, putting blankets over him. y/n had put bandaids all around him, while sadie put bags of frozen vegetables and small bags of ice cubes on his feet, ribs, and head.

"wonder what happened to him." sadie spoke.

"so he just left? without saying anything?" y/n questioned.

"yes, didn't even say bye." theo responded.

y/n nodded as she watched boris. wondering as to what trouble he got himself involved with, this time.

sadie and theo were sleeping on the floor while y/n read a book, not being able to fall asleep. as she turned the page as she heard a soft groan. she turned around and saw boris who's eyes were now open.

y/n got up and walked towards him. "boris."

she kneeled down besides the couch. boris turned towards her. "y/n."

"god boris. are you alright?"

"does it look like i'm alright." boris softly chuckled but then held onto his ribs.

y/n smiled. "shit boris. what'd you do this time?"

"not important. when did you get back?"

"like a month ago. i tried looking for you but you were long gone."

"had to get away."

"away from what?"


y/n sighed as she played with his curls making him feel things that he wish he didn't. he thought that he had gotten over her, but now seeing her again, it began to start all over. his love for her.

boris felt her touch warm, only she made him feel that way. and he hated it, as much as he loved her, he knew that she was happy with someone else, that he had to be supportive towards her.

but just this time, he let her comfort him. just this time. boris eventually fell back asleep as he felt her touch so soothing. y/n kissed his forehead as she laid next to sadie, falling asleep besides her.

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