Origins Of A Name

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Hey there! New one shot based on a request from The Dragon Central on Tumblr! I was working on it since last summer. It's quite different from my other writings but I hope you'll like it anyway!

A big thank you to JoyOfBerK and Wolfie for the correction, and AlexxP98 for helping me with the story!

P.S : Nsfw scene at the beginning of the flashback...


"I present to you Zephyr Haddock the First, heir to the throne of Berk!" proudly announced the chief of New Berk.

The voices were then raised in the Great Hall, clapping loudly for the newborn's entry into the tribe. Cradled in the arms of her father, the little girl did not seem to be disturbed by the loud noise. Not far behind, Astrid looked tenderly at her husband, who smiled back at her. She approached them and Hiccup wrapped his arm around her. Astrid delicately placed her hand on their daughter's head, stroking the few hairs that covered her skull before kissing her forehead. You could see on their faces how happy they were.

It had been almost a month since little Zephyr was born, but the naming ceremony was not to take place until you were sure that the baby was viable. In other words, if it was able to ensure the continued existence of the clan. However, it was a girl. And only the elder boys could claim the throne. But Hiccup thought otherwise. She was his first-born child, so she would be the one to succeed him. During Hiccup's time on the Edge, he had had the opportunity to meet several women in power, starting with Mala, the Queen of the Defenders of the Wing, Atali, the leader of the Wingmaidens, and nowadays, Heather was the leader of the Berserker clan. As for Astrid, she was chieftess at his side. Besides, from what he remembered, all these tribes were known to be at peace. Then why shouldn't women rule? No ridiculous tradition could change his mind. He was pretty clear on the issue when he introduced Zephyr earlier.

Also, finding a name could take some time, especially since one was not supposed to think about it before the birth of the child, as the fear that the child could die in childbirth was present. And then, we could say that the couple had been a little taken aback with the birth of their daughter. To tell the truth, the little girl had almost been born into the world on the high seas. So one would think this name was chosen in haste, but no, it had its full meaning. The name had already started to make a name for itself. Hiccup could no longer hear himself think in the Great Hall.

"I declare the banquet open!" he managed to announce amidst the general hubbub.

Further on, the gang was among those who gossiped about the little girl's name.

"No, but Zephyr, like, how do you pronounce that again?" Tuffnut asked.

"Hasn't it been a month since they've been coming out to say that that's a name?" Snotlout looked up at the sky, indignant.

"And then, Zephyr, what's the origin of that name?"

"Well, well... looks like our little girl's already getting some attention..." said the chief as he approached his group of friends with a smile on his face and the child in his arms.

"Ah guys... we didn't see you coming..." Fishlegs swallowed in a low voice.

Fishlegs seemed to blame himself when he was the only one who didn't say anything about it. Ruffnut moved herself in front of him.

"In fact, yes, we did see you coming from a distance, and we might actually be discussing your daughter's first name."

Fishlegs hid both his eyes for fear of what would happen next.

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