~chapter 7~

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After that, I fall asleep in Kacchan's arms.

Izuwu pov~

I'm in what looks like a room made of dark clouds, standing in front of a large man who has black wings, god eyes, and a demon mark. I run at him, weilding my powers, aiming to kill him. We battle for what feels like hours until he hits me with a spell made of both darkness and light, knocking me out.

When I wake up I'm in a crater in the ground, surrounded by people who look like they are from a long time ago. I get up and create wings of darkness, flying away.

It feels like it's been years.

I'm walking through a street, wearing a hood over my head. I bump into a woman, "sorry," I mutter.

The woman turns to me, "You have to get out of here, I'm fighting a villian!"

A man runs at her, trying to attack. I run in front of her and simply slap him, sending him into a house, destroying the house.

"Crap..." I mumble.

"What quirk gives you that kind of power?!" She asks, startled.

"Quirk? Oh yeah. It's not a quirk," I say with a straight(gay) face.

"Then how did you do that?"

"Hmmmmm... Meh. You seem trustworthy!" I say(idiot) "I'm a demon."

"What? That can't be true..."

I activate my demon mark.

"Well, I guess that seems like a demony thing. So, who are you?"

"Izuku Midoriya, you?"

"Nana Shimura," she answers.(oh yes, I did.)

"Well, it was nice meeting you, Shimura." I say, "but I have to get going. Can I have your number to keep in contact?"

We trade numbers and get on our way.

More years later, Izuku and Nana Shimura are friends now~

"So, Nana, find a successor yet?"

"I have, his name is Toshinori

"Cool, can I meet him?"

"Sure, but don't you dare embarass me!"

"Oh, please. When have I, THE GREAT IZUKU MIDORIYA ever embarrassed you?"

"Just now," she says, face palming.

"Ah, sorry..."

"Whatever, let me just call him. Wait here," she goes off with her phone.

I look around and see a cool looking shop. I decide to go in there while I wait for Nana. There's cool swords in there. I see one that looks exactly like my great uncle Meliodas' sword. "Huh?" I pick it up and close my eyes, muttering, "release." I open them to see four of me staring back. "Oh crap, looks like it is his." I make the clones disappear and walk up to the counter to pay for it.the man gives me a fancy looking sheath that I put it in. I place the sheath comfortably on my back and walk outside to see Nana, a man in a yellow and white hero costume, and a kid with blond hair. She looks like she's looking for me.

"Yo, Nana!" I wave. She comes over and smacks me over the head,

"No running off like that!"

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