Richies Bad Day

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It has been a horrible day for Richie so far, but then again, when isn't it? On his way to school, he fell off his bike- twice! After he picked himself up off of the ground, he noticed he had given himself a large scrape on his knee. He could also feel a big red spot on his arm that was definitely going bruise later.

To add to that, he was late for biology, his first class of the day. The teacher definitely had it out for him, most likely because he was late almost everyday due to Bowers and his gang or some unfortunate event that just had to happen to him- of all people. Bower's And his gang usually cornered him in the morning, sometimes on his way to school and sometimes in the hallway while he's walking to class. Wherever they could find him, really.

He didn't know why they had it out for him, for anyone really. For some reason, unknown to Richie, they usually targeted him. Not Bill or Eddie, or even Stan.

The worst of them was probably Patrick Hocksetter. He never really went out of his way to hurt Richie, when Bowers wasn't there anyway, but Richie could usually feel Hocksetters eyes on him, watching him.

It was weird and unsettling, to say the least, but Richie brushed it off. He was just happy Hocksetter didn't antagonize and seek him out like Bowers did.

But then again, he was the most sadistic one out of the 4. Rumors spread like wild fire that he was the one who killed his brother when they were younger. There was no hard evidence, but everyone believed it. Patrick was known for killing animals - usually cats or some squirrels. Just This week his neighbors cat went missing. Poor Bentley.

Once he got to his classroom, he opened the door and entered as quickly and quietly as he could, tip-toeing to his seat. "Mr.Tozier!" He heard his teacher, Mrs.Danvers, screech out. "This is your third time being late just this week! It's like you WANT to get detention." She sighed, and then proceeded to tear into Richie. "Come see me after class." She barked out, and turned back to the white board, not even sparing another glance at Richie.

He sat down and looked over at his only friend in this class, Eddie Kasprak. Eddie immediately shot him a look that all but screamed "we'll talk about this later". Eddie could be described as....uptight. From a young age, Eddie's mom has drilled in his head that everyone and everything was out to get him, so he wasn't really as 'daring' as Richie or anyone else, for that matter. Richie shivered, just thinking about Eddie's mom.

She was a large woman, with dark hair, usually kept in short curls. Richie almost never saw her outside- agoraphobia or something. When he did see her, she was usually busy watching t.v and picking her nails. That or giving Richie glares and sending crude Remarks his way, which he gladly returned, usually resulting in Eddie's nostrils flaring and getting a sucker punch to the arm.

The class dragged on very, very slowly. They were learning about body systems or some shit Richie wasn't interested in, therefore didn't care about. Richie could feel himself beginning to drift off, day dreaming out the window. A swift kick to his shin had him jumping up, letting out a small yelp. He looked around for the culprit, eyes landing on Eddie. His face was scrunched up, eyebrows raised and lips pursed.

Richie Just shrugged and turned back to the window, not really caring if he ends up getting kicked again. His eyes shifted over to the clock, watching the hands tic away, counting down the minutes. He didn't know how long he'd been staring, but suddenly the bell rung, and kids were piling out of the room as quick as they could.

He Followed in suit, quickly shoving his books back inside of his bag and getting up to leave. "Mr.Tozier! Come here. Now." his teacher called from the front. Eddie gave him another look as he left the classroom, leaving just Richie and Mrs.Danvers left.

"Richie, I would like an explanation as to why you were late to my class, again, I may add." She sat down at her desk, raising her eyebrow at him. "Well you see Mrs.D, I was on my way to your class when a badger jumped out in front of me!" He waved his arms, "I didn't want to hit it, so I swerved, hitting a stop sign and almost breaking my arm!" He exclaimed, as if he was telling a story to a group of first graders.

Mrs. Danvers wasn't impressed. She rolled her eyes before looking up stalely, handing him a detention slip. "Two days detention. Tomorrow and Friday after school in Mr.Morris's room." She said in a flat tone before standing up. "Now, move along. I'm sure there's another class you need to be late to."

Richie huffed, grabbing at his backpack straps and walking out into the hallway. It was almost empty, besides a few kids who were either skipping or doing god knows what. 'Awh shit' he thought, walking faster to his next class, which happened to be history, 'I'm fucking late, again!' He grumbled.

He finally made it to his history class a few seconds after the bell rung. "Nice of you to join us Richie. Please, take your seat" the teacher, Mr.Heckler, said. Mr.Heckler was a short and plump man. He usually wore a dull, boring plaid button up tucked into some more dull and boring kakis paired with some even more boring brown loafers. His belt never made it past his all too round stomach, Richie seemed to notice.

His voice was also dull and boring, which made it even easier than usual to zone out in class. Me.Heckler, despite his name, was an unbothered type of teacher. He didn't care what you did as long as you stayed quiet, which thankfully wasn't hard due to Richie having a whopping total of 0 friends in his class.

He quickly nodded, moving to sit down. His eyes darted around the room, occasionally catching someone else's eyes a bit nervously. He never really liked this class. Something about it made him... uneasy? On edge? He didn't know, but he didn't really care too much to figure out.

Richie resumed his daily routine in not paying attention to his teachers, and quickly looked out the window, blocking out everyone around him. Because of this, he didn't seem to notice the grey-green eyes that followed his every move.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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