Neytiri meets Thanator (Alternate)

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"Ma Jake!" Neytiri cried to her throat microphone as the Omaticayan princess rushed to cover behind of the tree, as the flying bullets from the advancing RDA ground troopers flew past of her and hit to the tree behind of which she was hiding.

All around of her, the Na'vi warriors from almost totally exterminated Direhorse cavalry rushed past her deeper into the jungle to get away from the humans firing range. Many of them fell before Neytiri's eyes after getting a fatal hit to their backs from the bullets before they could reach far.

About two dozen of those survived ones, who knew that they could not get out of the enemy's fire without getting killed, desperately sought the cover behind the trees.

"Ma Jake! Can you hear me! Ma Jake!" Neytiri cried again to her microphone, hoping Jake to copy.

Neytiri was also afraid of what has become to Jake. She had got separated from him during the bloody battle between Ikran Makto and RDA air force. She had only seen a glimpse of Jake trying to escape in the back of Toruk when the Sky People's bigger and monstrous metal machine, the same one who had brought down the Hometree a days ago, had gave the chase to Jake and was firing its "big flashing arrows" at him. Neytiri had wanted to go to Jake's aid, but one of Sky People's flying metal beasts had started to relentlessly chase her and her Ikran Seze and fire their "invisible but yellow arrows" at them, forcing her to fly under the canopy of the forest in desperate attempt to lose it, only to end up flying over of the humans ground forces and got shot down by "Shield that walks". Seze had died in mourning Neytiri's arms and her death had left the princess herself stranded in middle of the death and fire.

While Neytiri waited for Jake's respond, she peeked from behind of the tree and saw hundreds of Sky People warriors and several of their "Shields that walks" approaching with the slow but unstoppable pace. Some of them kept firing at the direction of the escaped Na'vi, letting out a round of bullets past of behind of the trees hiding Na'vi, and a few of them burned the forest with the weapons that breath the fire!

Their slow but unstoppable advancing and vast numbers made Neytiri to realize that she and the survivors were surrounded with no hope to escape without getting killed.

"I read you!" came Jake's voice from the headphone in her left ear. His voice sounded relieved that at least there was somebody still alive, most importantly the one he had fallen in love.

"Ma Jake!" Neytiri gasped, deeply relieved that Jake was still alive.

However, her relief was short-lived when the another round of bullets flew past her, scratching the tree's side right next to her right shoulder, startling her badly.

"Neytiri?!" Jake exclaimed, nearly panicking after hearing Neytiri's startled yelp. "Neytiri! Are you alright?! Where are you?!"

In the other end of the line, Neytiri panted rapidly in shock while clenching from her chest with her free hand. Even though she didn't look like it from outside, she was relieved that those three gunshots that barely missed her right hand and shoulder didn't cause any physical damage.

Neytiri then forced herself to pull herself together to respond.

"I'm okay, Ma Jake! I'm with a few survivors but were surrounded!" Neytiri responded, her voice still choking from shock. "Seze is dead! They are very close to us and there are too many of them."

After responding to Jake, Neytiri turned to look at the survived warriors behind of the trees. The princess of Omaticaya saw in their eyes the desperation and that they were unaware of what to do now when they were pinned down. Many of them even looked like they were losing or had already lost all hope.

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