~How I met a Yandere~

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“My earliest memories.”


“I remember...hospitals...doctors...examinations..."

“I was...broken...”

“The doctors tried to fix me.”

“My parents tried to explain what was wrong with me."

“They tried to explain what made me different from other people.”

“I didn't understand..”


“I heard the doctors say that they couldn't fix me.”

“They said I would never be able to be a normal person...or live, a normal life..”


“As I stared kindergarten, I came to understand what was wrong with me.”

“I saw other people become happy, sad, angry...but...I never felt those things.”


“I only felt..empty.”




“My father desperately tried to help me.”

“For my mother, she was nothing like my father.”

“She wasn't worried about me at all.”

“She said that, she was exactly like me, when she was a child.”

“She said that one day, I would meet someone special.”

“She told me I would meet someone who would make me..complete..”


“At school, the other kids mistreated me. All because I didn't act like them.”

“It didn't bother me much..but one did.”


"Hurry up baka!! We're going to be late!!" A voice yelled out from outside my house door. Banging coming from a certain redhead I know.

His name is Osano Najimi. We met through his younger sister, who I am also semi friends with. He has a temper and really bad trusting issues.
But he's worth it.

I sighed as I stood up from my living room couch. I walked up to the front door and stepped on my tipy toes to reach the door knob.

I was saved by my mother's hand grabbing the handle. She smiled sweetly at me and opened the door.

"Hi Osano! Great to see you again! I'm sure you're here for Ayano?" My mother asked as she pointed at me. Osano nodded as he glared at me. A pout forming his lips.

"Well then, have fun you two! Remember Ayano, don't talk to strangers, don't take anything from them and don't go too far okay." My mother attached some rules before kissing my forehead.

I nodded and exited my home. Me and my friend walking away from my waving mother.

"What did you need me for Osano?" I asked, looking up at his carrot colored eyes. He huffed at me, smoke coming out of his ears.

"Are you that dense? You know we go to the park every day baka! Do you have brain damage or something?" He asked, folding his arms. I shrug my shoulders and looked forward.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2020 ⏰

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