Ice Cream with Daddy (One Shot)

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You and your husband, Tom Hiddleston, sat opposite each other at your dinner table, enjoying a bowl of ice cream. Your 1-year-old daughter sits in in her highchair at the end of the table, watching both of you with great interest. Lilly is possibly the best child you and Tom could have hoped for. She slept through the night, she ate her food without throwing it around the room, and best of all (according to Tom) her first words were Dada. Tom loved her to bits. Every night, after you had dinner, he would sit on the floor of the lounge with her in his lap, and he would read her a story. You would sit in your chair and gaze fondly down at the pair. Lilly was definitely going to be a daddy’s girl.

You and Tom continued to eat your ice cream in silence. You started to notice that Lilly was eyeing up the spoonful of ice cream that was heading towards Tom’s mouth. You continued to watch her as she opened her mouth slightly as her father popped the spoon into his mouth. Her eyes followed his hand as he prepared himself for another mouthful of creamy goodness.

“Tom,” You whisper

“Yes, darling?” he replies, the spoon hovering in front of his mouth.

“ Don’t look now, but I think your daughter is plotting a way to steal your ice cream”

Tom’s eyes shifted towards where Lilly was sitting. You could tell he was coming up with an evil plan by the way his eyes got a mischievous glint in them.

“Thomas, be nice” You scolded him.

“Oh come on (Y/N). Let me tease her al least once” he pleaded, giving you his puppy dog eyes.  You sighed and rolled you eyes.

“Alright, fine. But don’t come crying to me when she doesn’t want to be held by you”

Tom just scoffed and raised the spoon to his lips once again, giving your daughter a pointed stare. Lilly watched him closely, she eyes narrowing as his lips enclosed over the spoon. She let out a small whine, causing Tom’s eyes to crinkle in delight at the response he was getting.  With the next spoonful, he made it look as if he was going to let her have some, but at the last second, spooned it into his own mouth. Lilly banged her fists on the tray table of her highchair and squealed. Tom let out a proper laugh this time and repeated his previous actions. By now, Lilly was getting really frustrated, her eyes filling with tears.

“Dada!” she screamed when Tom ignored her protests.

You watched from the sidelines, the amusement clear on your face. This time, when Tom scooped up some more ice cream, he moved the spoon all the way towards Lilly and gently nudged her mouth with the spoon. She opened her mouth slightly, allowing Tom to push the spoon in so she could have her fist bite of ice cream. It was clear that the cold hit her before the taste, because she screwed up her little face and shuddered slightly, letting out a small noise of surprise. Tom laughed loudly, he head tilting back.

“Was that cold, princess?” he asked her, leaning forward to wipe some of the ice cream off her chin.

She reached toward the bowl, her small hands grasping the air, clearly signaling that she wanted more.

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