And The Dog Blamed Itself- Draft

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When the dog was hit the first time- it did not blame its owner. Their owner was to kind to them to be able to do something so awful- it had to be their fault. They made a promise to themselves to do better. And so the dog blamed itself.

When the dog was hit a second time- it still was gentle with its owner. It did not notice the glint of satisfaction in its owners eye when the dog cowered. And the dog blamed itself.

When the dog was hit the 10th time- it refused to believe its owner was at fault. It had to be them- it /had to/ be them. Their owner was to kind, to gentle, to be so violent without reason. And the dog blamed itself.

When the dog was hit the 20th time- it met another dog. This dog did not flinch when its owner threw a ball- it did not flinch when its owner went to pet it- it did not flinch when its owner yelled 'good boy,' and the dog realized it was to late to leave. It is a frog in a pot that does not notice the heat increasing until its being cooked alive.

One night the dog was hit to hard, and as it lays in a pool of its own blood- the dog still did not blame its owner. It was their fault for staying, for not leaving sooner, for not being better. And so the dog blamed itself

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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