Who Woke Me?

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This happened when I was just about 16. I was staying the night at my grandmother's house. I had fallen asleep on the couch while watching tv. At around 11:00pm my grandmother woke me up frantically telling me that my cousin who lives a block away just called and that someone was breaking into her house. Scared she had grabbed her kids and ran to the basement to hide in a closet. My grandma told me to go over there and to try and scare away who ever it was off while she called the police. My cousin while in panic mode called our grandma instead of 911. With out hesitation I jumped up grabbed an old bat from the garage just in case, and drove right over to my cousin's house. When I pulled into the driveway I turned my brights on and honked the horn several times in hopes to spook whoever was there. When I approached the front door I could see that it had been kicked in. Making my way through the living room and towards the kitchen where the basement stairs were I saw 3 people run out the side door. Instead of giving chase I decided to go to the basement and stay with my cousin until the police got there. Not having a finished basement there was only one closet in the basement for her to hide in. The one by the laundry room. Before opening the door I announced that it was me and that everything was ok. I didn't want them to think it was the people who broke in opening the door. When I opend the door and turned the light on I saw my cousin her two kids and my grandmother all huddled up in the corner. Surprised to see my grandmother there I asked her how she managed to get there before I did when I drove and how did she make it past the intruders without them noticing her. That's when she told me she had gone to my cousin when she saw I had fallen asleep watching tv. And she was not at the house, she had not woken me up to tell me about the intruders and that her phone and my cousin's both were still upstairs in living room. They didn't have time to retrieve them or to call 911 before having to run for the basement. So who woke me?

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