It All Started in Detention

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A'ight, listen up folks. I have never been to public high school- I was homeschooled, so everything is a total guess as far as that goes. I just tried to think about what I've seen in movies, read in books, and heard from pals. If anything is suuuuper unrealistic about how high school has been portrayed here, just let me know as kindly as ye possibly can- Thanks!

Peter Parker rolled his eyes at his best friend in the whole word. The guy couldn't stop giggling. It was a little annoying, but Peter couldn't get too irritated. He sort of felt a little giggly himself today. Because today- today was revenge. Sweet, sweet revenge.

"I can't wait to see his stupid face." Ned said, and then giggled, again.

"You're gonna give it away as soon as we walk through the doors if you keep giggling like that, Ned." Peter chastised. "Seriously, get a grip. We've got to act like we're at the bottom of the food chain."

Ned tried to school his expression but he still looked giddy, face flushed twitching with the effort it took for him not to grin ear to ear. Peter facepalmed.

He and Ned had been neighbors- and friends- since second grade. Peter loved his friend, and he wouldn't change him- but sometimes he did wonder if he would've had a chance at popularity if they'd never met. Not in any sort of bitter way, he was just curious. As it was, he was happy to be friends with Ned, even if it meant being bullied. Everyone likes a good underdog story anyway.

So what sort of revenge was due today? Well, today was the day they woud finally be pranking Flash Thompson.

Peter had been working on a solution for the past couple weeks in the physics lab during class- it was sort of like superglue, but it would dissolve after a few hours. He had managed to sneak some into his backpack and now... the possibilities were endless. He'd given a container of it to Ned as well, and they'd been talking about all the ways they would be able to use it.

Glue him to his seat.

Glue his packpack to the floor.

Glue his locker door shut.

Glue his car doors shut.

Just thinking about it made Peter feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Today could very well end up being one of the best days of his life.

The hallways smelled of dirty laundry and disinfectant. Peter and Ned walked through more silently than usual. On most days they'd be joking about something stupid, or talking about a project, or planning the next time they were going to hang out. But they couldn't think of anything but pranking Flash Thompson, and they couldn't very well talk about their evil plans right in the hallways.

When the first bell rang, Peter grabbed Ned's arm and looked at him. "Remember." He said. "Don't get caught."


It was the middle of English class. Peter bounced his leg and pursed his lips to one side, trying to look uncomfortable. It was all part of the plan, but so far, no one was noticing. Or they were and were ignoring it. He shifted in his seat a few times, furrowed his eyebrows, tapped his fingers, shifted again. Finally, Mrs. Kim stopped midsentence and looked at him with her eyebrows raised and said, "Mr. Parker. Is there something wrong?"

Peter's shook his head emphatically as he answered. "Oh, I'm fine, Mrs. K, really. I just- I just need to use the bathroom- I know Jim already went and only one person is supposed to go each class... but I really need to."

Mrs. Kim sighed, hands on her hips and stared him down with narrow eyes. It felt like she was trying to stare through him, or activate her laser eyes, which Peter was pretty sure she had. But she finally broke her gaze. "Peter." She said with a sigh. "You may go. But don't think this means this is going to happen all the time. But it's clear you're having trouble paying attention, not to mention distracting the whole class with your fidgeting."

Peter Parker: Broke Genius Highschool CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now