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I'm making a new book, i know i haven't updated my other books, but i have writers block. But i made this out of inspiration, or basically because i'm bored.
Main female character name: Mavis Ambrosia
Hair type: Straight
Hair color: White Blonde
Eye color: Violet

Mavis  loves BTS (a boyband); She also has a   fascination with with Ancient Greek gods. She is scared to love, because she has been in a relationship with a cheater and she thought she loved him, but it was just only puppy love. She never loved him.

Main male name: Eros god of love
Hair type: Curly
Hair color: Midnight black
Eye color: Clear Bright Blue

Eros never really knew how to love, he has never been in love before. He is the god of love (how ironic is it that he is the god love, even though he never has been in love before??) Well thats simple, he refused to be in love. He is scared to be vulnerable. He is afraid that the person he will lov, is going to break him into pieces.
I hope you like the summary. Im gonna post the first chapter in at least a week's time. And, "You nice, keep going!!!!" -Park Jimin

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2020 ⏰

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