Tone's Day Off

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Akk woke up the way he did most mornings: with a smile on his face, in the arms of Tone. It had been six months since they had participated in the Hotel Stars contest, and never once did Akk regret giving up his winning position for Tone. The knowledge and experience he had gained for his homestay was way more than enough. Most days, Tone would leave for the hotel early in the morning and help Akk manage the homestay in the evening. Akk loved their little routine and was grateful to the universe that he was able to meet Tone through the internship program.

"What are you thinking about?" A sleepy Tone's voice interrupted Akk's thoughts.
"Nothing much, just glad you're here."
"'re the one who invited me here" teased Tone, pulling Akk in for a kiss.

God, how Akk loved Tone's kisses. Sweet and simple, yet full of passion. Their first kiss had been back in their shared room, on the last day of the program. Tone had told Akk how grateful he was yet again, but he wasn't sure where he would stay. Akk had offered to let him stay at the homestay (pretending the reason was so that he could get some extra help from Tone), and Tone had been so overwhelmed that he pulled Akk in for a hug that quickly turned into a kiss. Akk couldn't even say who had kissed who first. Tone had stayed in a different room at first, but that had quickly changed when Akk couldn't resist visiting every night.

"Shouldn't we be getting ready for today?" Tone asked in between kisses.
"You don't have work at the hotel today, let's stay here a little longer"
As an answer, Tone put one hand in Akk's hair and one around his waist to pull him even closer. The two kissed until Akk regretfully pulled away.
"Okay, we do have to work now"
Tone watched Akk leave the bed, smiling as he saw Akk's little pout. He doubted that Akk even knew he was making that face, but it was adorable either way. Tone stretched and left the bed as well, heading to the closet for fresh clothes. He didn't need his hotel uniform today, so he grabbed a t-shirt and jeans and got dressed. Now he was ready to help Akk.

Akk was cutting up vegetables for that night's dinner when he felt arms around his waist.
"Hello Tone" Akk said, looking up and smiling. "Finished washing the sheets and towels?"
"Yup. Need any help with cutting?"
"Sure, I need the onions and carrots done next"
"On it"
The two cut their vegetables in companionable silence, until Akk heard sniffles.
"On no, Tone, don't cry!" Akk drew closer to Tone and put his head on Tone's shoulder, making a pouty face for Tone's benefit.
"It's the onions and you know it" Tone said as he rolled his eyes, but his pleased look said he enjoyed the attention.
"I'll kiss the tears away anyways" Akk replied as he cupped Tone's face, wiped away the tears, and gently kissed Tone's cheek.
"You're an idiot" Tone said as he pulled Akk close.
"Yeah, but I'm your idiot"
"That you are" Tone replied before he kissed Akk's forehead.

The two finished cutting vegetables and put them in the fridge to cook later. Now they were going to put clean sheets and towels in the rooms. Akk was used to doing it on his own, but it was always better to do it with Tone. The two of them smiled at each other as they made the beds the way they learned at the internship.
"This is so much more fun when I do it with you than at the hotel" Tone remarked.
"You say that every time" teased Akk. "Are you sure it isn't cause it's only four rooms with six beds?"
"It could be double the amount I do at the hotel and it would still be more fun with you"
Akk stuck his tongue out at Tone, then smiled to himself. They had discussed Tone working at the homestay full time, but for now, the hotel salary was extremely helpful, and Tone was happy working there. They had decided to stay where they were for at least another year as they saved up. Eventually, they hoped to move to a bigger place farther out into the countryside, but for now, they were happy with what they had.

Tone's Day OffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora